4.4 Additional Operational Properties


In this section we develop several more operational properties of the Laplace transform. Specifically, we shall see how to find the transform of a function f(t) that is multiplied by a monomial tn, the transform of a special type of integral, and the transform of a periodic function. The last two transform properties allow us to solve some equations that we have not encountered up to this point: Volterra integral equations, integrodifferential equations, and ordinary differential equations in which the input function is a periodic piecewise-defined function.

4.4.1 Derivatives of Transforms

Multiplying a Function by tn

The Laplace transform of the product of a function f(t) with t can be found by differentiating the Laplace transform of f(t). If F(s) = {f(t)} and if we assume that interchanging of differentiation and integration is possible, then

that is,


The preceding two cases suggest the following general result for {tnf(t)}.

THEOREM 4.4.1 Derivatives of Transforms

If the function f is piecewise continuous on and of exponential order with c as specified in Definition 4.1.2 and then for and


EXAMPLE 1 Using Theorem 4.4.1

Find {t sin kt}.


With f(t) = sin kt, F(s) = k/(s2 + k2), and n = 1, Theorem 4.4.1 gives

If we wish to find the Laplace transforms and all we need do is take the negative of the derivative with respect to s of , found in Example 1, followed by the negative of the derivative with respect to s of

To find transforms of functions tneat we can use either the first translation theorem or Theorem 4.4.1. For example,

Note that either theorem could be used.

Theorem 4.3.1: {te3t} = = =

Theorem 4.4.1:

EXAMPLE 2 An Initial-Value Problem

Solve x″ + 16x = cos 4t, x(0) = 0, x′(0) = 1.


The initial-value problem could describe the forced, undamped, and resonant motion of a mass on a spring. The mass starts with an initial velocity of 1 foot per second in the downward direction from the equilibrium position.

Transforming the differential equation gives

Now we have just learned in Example 1 that

−1 = t sin kt,(1)

and so with the identification k = 4 in (1) and in part (d) of Theorem 4.2.1, we obtain

Theorem 4.4.1 is sometimes useful in solving initial-value problems involving differential equations with variable coefficients that are monomials For example, if a linear second-order differential equation contains the term then from Theorem 4.4.1 with its Laplace transform is


The effect of the last term in (2) is to change a second-order DE in t to a first-order DE in s. The next example illustrates the procedure.

EXAMPLE 3 An Initial-Value Problem



Using (2) above and (7) of Section 4.2 the Laplace transform of the differential equation is

Simplifying, we obtain a linear first-order differential equation


Integrating with respect to s and solving for Y(s) then gives

The inverse Laplace transform is then

Applying the given initial condition to the last expression gives

The solution of the IVP is then

4.4.2 Transforms of Integrals


If functions f and g are piecewise continuous on the interval then the convolution of f and g, denoted by the symbol f * g, is a function defined by the integral


Because we are integrating in (3) with respect to the variable τ (the lowercase Greek letter tau), the convolution f * g is a function of t. To emphasize this fact, (3) is also written (f * g)(t).

EXAMPLE 4 Convolution of Two Functions

Find (a) et * sin t (b) {et * sin t}.


(a) With the identifications

it follows from (3) and integration by parts that


(b) Then from (4) and parts (c), (d), and (e) of Theorem 4.1.1 we find

Properties of the Convolution

As the notation f * g suggests, the convolution (3) is often interpreted as a generalized product of two functions f and g. Indeed, convolution has some properties that are similar to ordinary multiplication. If f, g, and h are piecewise continuous functions on then

f * g = g * f                                (commutative law)

f * (g * h) = (f * g) * h               (associative law)

f * (g + h) = (f * g) + (f * h)     (distributive law)

(cf) * g = f * (cg) = c(f * g)       (c = constant)

The commutative law f * g = g * f simply states that two integrals are equal. To prove this, we use the change of variables in (3),

f * g = g * f.

But one has to be careful. For example, if the dot denotes multiplication and * convolution, then but f *

Convolution Theorem

We have seen that if f and g are both piecewise continuous for t ≥ 0, then the Laplace transform of a sum f + g is the sum of the individual Laplace transforms. While it is not true that the Laplace transform of the product fg is the product of the Laplace transforms, we see in the next theorem—called the convolution theorem—that the Laplace transform of the generalized product f * g is the product of the Laplace transforms of f and g.

THEOREM 4.4.2 Convolution Theorem

If the functions f and g are piecewise continuous on and of exponential order with c as specified in Definition 4.1.2 and then for



Proceeding formally, we have

Holding τ fixed, we let t = τ + β, dt = dβ, so that

In the -plane we are integrating over the shaded region in FIGURE 4.4.1. Since f and g are piecewise continuous on [0, ∞) and of exponential order, it is possible to interchange the order of integration:

{f * g}.

A straight line is graphed on the t tau plane. It starts at the origin, goes up and to the right, and ends at the top right of the first quadrant. The region of the coordinate plane below the line in the first quadrant is shaded. The line is labeled tau equals t. An upward arrow starts from a point on the positive t axis and ends at a point on the graphed line. It is labeled tau: 0 to t. A right arrow starts from the endpoint of the upward arrow and ends at the right of the shaded region. It is labeled t: tau to infinity.

FIGURE 4.4.1 Changing order of integration from t first to τ first

Theorem 4.4.2 shows that we can find the Laplace transform of the convolution f * g of two functions without actually evaluating the definite integral as we did in (4). The next example illustrates the idea.

EXAMPLE 5 Using Theorem 4.4.2



This is the same as the transform {et * sin t} that we found in part (b) of Example 4. This time we use Theorem 4.4.2 that the Laplace transform of the convolution of f and g is the product of their Laplace transforms:

Inverse Form of Theorem 4.4.2

The convolution theorem is sometimes useful in finding the inverse Laplace transforms of the product of two Laplace transforms. From Theorem 4.4.2 we have


Many of the results in the table of Laplace transforms in Appendix C can be derived using (5). For instance, in the next example we obtain entry 25 of the table:

{sin ktkt cos kt} = (6)

EXAMPLE 6 Inverse Transform as a Convolution

Find .


Let F(s) = G(s) =

so that f(t) = g(t) = −1 sin kt.

In this case (5) gives


Now recall from trigonometry that

sin A sin B = [cos(AB) − cos(A + B)].

If we set A = and B = k(tτ), we can carry out the integration in (7):

Multiplying both sides by 2k3 gives the inverse form of (6).

Transform of an Integral

When g(t) = 1 and {g(t)} = G(s) = 1/s, the convolution theorem implies that the Laplace transform of the integral of f is


The inverse form of (8),


can be used in lieu of partial fractions when sn is a factor of the denominator and f(t) = −1{F(s)} is easy to integrate. For example, we know for f(t) = sin t that F(s) = 1/(s2 + 1), and so by (9)

and so on.

Volterra Integral Equation

The convolution theorem and the result in (8) are useful in solving other types of equations in which an unknown function appears under an integral sign. In the next example, we solve a Volterra integral equation for f(t),


The functions g(t) and h(t) are known. Notice that the integral in (10) has the convolution form (3) with the symbol h playing the part of g.

EXAMPLE 7 An Integral Equation

Solve f(t) = 3t2et f(τ) etτ for f(t).


In the integral we identify h(tτ) = etτ so that h(t) = et. We take the Laplace transform of each term; in particular, by Theorem 4.4.2 the transform of the integral is the product of {f(t)} = F(s) and {et} = 1/(s − 1):

After solving the last equation for F(s) and carrying out the partial fraction decomposition, we find

The inverse transform then gives

Series Circuits

In a single-loop or series circuit, Kirchhoff’s second law states that the sum of the voltage drops across an inductor, resistor, and capacitor is equal to the voltage impressed on the circuit. Now the voltage drops across an inductor, resistor, and capacitor are, respectively,

where is the current and is the charge on the capacitor. The constants L, R, and C are called, in turn, the inductance, resistance, and capacitance. Hence, in an LR-series circuit, such as that shown in FIGURE 4.4.2(a), the sum of the voltage drops across the inductance and the resistor is the differential equation


for the current The sum of the voltage drops across the resistor and the capacitor for the RC-series circuit in Figure 4.4.2(b) is


Because and are related by , we can write Substituting the last expression in (12) yields an integral equation for the current


For the LC-series circuit shown in Figure 4.4.2(c), the sum of the voltage drops gives an equation that involves both an integral and the derivative of


Finally, for the LRC-series circuit in Figure 4.4.2(d), we have


Equations (14) and (15) are called integrodifferential equations. In view of the transform (8), we can use the Laplace transform to solve equations such as (11), (13), (14), and (15).

The circuits are shown in four parts. Part (a) has an L R series circuit. The circuit consisting of the following components: a voltage E, a resistor R, and an inductor L. The inductor L and resistor R are placed parallel to each other. The voltage E is connected between the inductor and the resistor. Part (b) has an R C series circuit. The circuit consisting of the following components: a voltage E, a resistor R, and a capacitor C. The resistor R and capacitor C are placed parallel to each other. The voltage E is connected between the resistor and the capacitor. Part (c) has an L C series circuit. The circuit consisting of the following components: a voltage E, an inductor L, and a capacitor C. The inductor L and capacitor C are placed parallel to each other. The voltage E is connected between the inductor and the capacitor. Part (d) has an L R C series circuit. The circuit consisting of the following components: a voltage E, a resistor R, a capacitor C, and an inductor L. The inductor L and capacitor C are placed parallel to each other. The voltage E is connected between the inductor and the capacitor. The resistor R is parallel to the voltage E and is connected between the inductor and the capacitor.

FIGURE 4.4.2 Series circuits

EXAMPLE 8 An Integrodifferential Equation

Determine the current i(t) in a single-loop LRC-circuit when L = 0.1 h, R = 2 Ω, C = 0.1 F, i(0) = 0, and the impressed voltage is

E(t) = 120t − 120t (t − 1).


Using the given data, equation (15) becomes

Now by (8), { i(τ) } = I(s)/s, where I(s) = {i(t)}. Thus the Laplace transform of the integrodifferential equation is

Multiplying this equation by 10s, using s2 + 20s + 100 = (s + 10)2, and then solving for I(s) gives

By partial fractions,

From the inverse form of the second translation theorem, (15) of Section 4.3, we finally obtain

Written as a piecewise-defined function, the current is


Using the last form of the solution and a CAS, we graph i(t) on each of the two intervals and then combine the graphs. Note in FIGURE 4.4.3 that even though the input E(t) is discontinuous, the output or response i(t) is a continuous function.

A curve is graphed on the t i plane. It starts at the point (0, 0), goes up and to the right to the point (0.5, 10), and goes to the right to the point (1, 10). Then, it goes down sharply and to the right through the point (1, 0), reaches a low point approximately (1.1, negative 40), and goes up and to the right to the approximate point (1.6, 0). Then, it goes to the right and ends approximately at the point (2, 0).

FIGURE 4.4.3 Graph of current i(t) in (16) of Example 8

4.4.3 Transform of a Periodic Function

Periodic Function

If a periodic function f has period T, T > 0, then f(t + T) = f(t). The Laplace transform of a periodic function can be obtained by integration over one period.

THEOREM 4.4.3 Transform of a Periodic Function

If f(t) is piecewise continuous on [0, ∞), of exponential order, and periodic with period T, then


Write the Laplace transform of f as two integrals:

When we let t = u + T, the last integral becomes


Solving the equation in the last line for {f(t)} proves the theorem.

EXAMPLE 9 Transform of a Periodic Function

Find the Laplace transform of the periodic function shown in FIGURE 4.4.4.

A function f(t) in the form of square wave is graphed on the t f(t) plane. Five pieces of the function are graphed as straight lines. The first piece starts at the point (0, 1), goes to the right, and ends at the point (a, 1). The second piece starts at the point (a, 0), goes to the right, and ends at the point (2a, 0). The third piece starts at the point (2a, 1), goes to the right, and ends at the point (3a, 1). The fourth piece starts at the point (3a, 0), goes to the right, and ends at the point (4a, 0). The fifth piece starts at the point (4a, 1), goes to the right, and ends at the right of the first quadrant.

FIGURE 4.4.4 Square wave in Example 9


The function in the figure is called a square wave and has period For can be defined by

and outside the interval by Now from Theorem 4.4.3,


EXAMPLE 10 A Periodic Impressed Voltage

Determine the current in a single loop LR-series circuit when and the impressed voltage is the square-wave function given in Figure 4.4.4 with period


The differential equation for the current is given in (11). If we use the result in (17) of the preceding example with then the Laplace transform of the DE is


To find the inverse Laplace transform of the last function, we first make use of geometric series. With the identification x = es, s > 0, the geometric series


we can then rewrite (18) as

By applying the form of the second translation theorem to each term of both series we obtain

or, equivalently,


To interpret the solution, let us assume for the sake of illustration that R = 1, L = 1, and 0 ≤ t < 4. In this case


in other words,


The graph of i(t) for 0 ≤ t < 4, given in FIGURE 4.4.5, was obtained with the help of a CAS.

A function i(t) is graphed on the t i plane. It starts at the point (0, 0), goes up and to the right to the point (1, 0.5), and goes down and to the right to the approximate point (2, 0.25). Then, it goes up and to the right to the approximate point (3, 0.7), goes down and to the right, and ends at the approximate point (4, 0.25).

FIGURE 4.4.5 Graph of current i(t) in Example 10


You should verify either by substitution in the differential equation or by the methods of Section 2.3 that is a perfectly good solution of the linear initial-value problem We now solve the same equation with a formal application of the Laplace transform. If we denote and then the transform of the equation is

Using and it follows from the inverse form (5) of the convolution theorem that the solution of the initial-value problem is

With τ playing the part of u, this is the solution as first given.

Unfortunately, the Laplace transform “solution method” of the foregoing initial-value problem is pure nonsense. Read the discussion preceding Theorem 4.1.2. Also, see Problem 63 in Exercises 4.4.

4.4 Exercises Answers to selected odd-numbered problems begin on page ANS-10.

4.4.1 Derivatives of Transforms

In Problems 1–8, use Theorem 4.4.1 to evaluate the given Laplace transform.

  1. {te−10t}
  2. {t3et}
  3. {t cos 2t}
  4. {t sinh 3t}
  5. {t sinh t}
  6. {t2 cos t}
  7. {te2t sin 6t}
  8. {te−3t cos 3t}

In Problems 9–14, use the Laplace transform to solve the given initial-value problem. Use the table of Laplace transforms in Appendix C as needed.

  1. y′ + y = t sin t, y(0) = 0
  2. y′y = tet sin t, y(0) = 0
  3. y″ + 9y = cos 3t, y(0) = 2, y′(0) = 5
  4. y″ + y = sin t, y(0) = 1, y′(0)= −1
  5. y″ + 16y = f(t), y(0) = 0, y′(0) = 1, where

  6. y″ + y = f(t), y(0) = 1, y′(0) = 0, where

In Problems 15 and 16, use a graphing utility to graph the indicated solution.

  1. y(t) of Problem 13 for 0 ≤ t < 2π
  2. y(t) of Problem 14 for 0 ≤ t < 3π

In Problems 17–20, use Theorem 4.4.1 to reduce the given differential to a linear first-order DE in the transformed function Solve the first-order DE and then find Use the table of Laplace transforms in Appendix C as needed. Note: Your solution may contain an arbitrary constant.

In Problems 21 and 22, proceed as in Problems 17–20 to solve the given differential equation. But in each of these problems, you will have to use Theorem 4.2.3 on to eliminate a term containing a constant c of integration.

4.4.2 Transforms of Integrals

In Problems 23–26, proceed as in Example 4 and find the convolution f * g of the given functions. After integrating find the Laplace transform of f * g.

In Problems 27–38, proceed as in Example 5 and find the Laplace transform of f * g using Theorem 4.4.2. Do not evaluate the convolution integral before transforming.

  1. {1 * t3}
  2. {t2 * tet}
  3. {et * et cos t}
  4. {e2t * sin t}

In Problems 39–42, use (9) to evaluate the given inverse transform.

  1. −1
  2. −1
  3. −1
  4. −1

In Problems 43 and 44, use (3) and (5) to solve the given initial-value problem. Let

  1. The table in Appendix C does not contain an entry for

    (a) Use (5) along with the result in (6) to evaluate this inverse transform. Use a CAS as an aid in evaluating the convolution integral.

    (b) Reexamine your answer to part (a). Could you have obtained the result in a different manner?

  2. Use the Laplace transform and the result of Problem 45 to solve the initial-value problem

    y″ + y = sin t + t sin t, y(0) = 0, y′(0) = 0.

    Use a graphing utility to graph the solution.

In Problems 47–58, use the Laplace transform to solve the given integral equation or integrodifferential equation.

  1. Solve equation (13) subject to with

    Use a graphing utility to graph the solution for

  2. Solve equation (14) subject to i(0) = 0 with

    Use a graphing utility to graph the solution for

In Problems 61 and 62, solve equation (15) subject to i(0) = 0 with L, R, C, and E(t) as given. Use a graphing utility to graph the solution for 0 ≤ t ≤ 3.

  1. L = 0.1 h, R = 3 Ω, C = 0.05 F,

    E(t) = 100 [(t − 1)− (t − 2)]

  2. L = 0.005 h, R = 1 Ω, C = 0.02 F,

    E(t) = 100 [t − (t − 1) (t − 1)]

  3. The Laplace transform exists, but without finding it solve the initial-value problem

  4. Solve the integral equation

4.4.3 Transform of a Periodic Function

In Problems 65–70, use Theorem 4.4.3 to find the Laplace transform of the given periodic function.

  1. A function f(t) is graphed on the t f(t) plane. Five pieces of the function are graphed as straight lines. The first piece starts at the point (0, 1), goes to the right, and ends at the point (a, 1). The second piece starts at the point (a, negative 1), goes to the right, and ends at the point (2a, negative 1). The third piece starts at the point (2a, 1), goes to the right, and ends at the point (3a, 1). The fourth piece starts at the point (3a, negative 1), goes to the right, and ends at the point (4a, negative 1). The fifth piece starts at the point (4a, 1), goes to the right, and ends at the right of the first quadrant. The graph is titled Meander function.

    FIGURE 4.4.6 Graph for Problem 65

  2. A function f(t) is graphed on the t f(t) plane. Five pieces of the function are graphed as straight lines. The first piece starts at the point (0, 0), goes to the right, and ends at the point (a, 0). The second piece starts at the point (a, 1), goes to the right, and ends at the point (2a, 1). The third piece starts at the point (2a, 0), goes to the right, and ends at the point (3a, 0). The fourth piece starts at the point (3a, 1), goes to the right, and ends at the point (4a, 1). The fifth piece starts at the point (4a, 0), goes to the right, and ends at the right on the positive t axis. The graph is titled Square wave.

    FIGURE 4.4.7 Graph for Problem 66

  3. A function f(t) is graphed on the t f(t) plane. Five pieces of the function are graphed as straight lines. The first piece starts at the point (0, 0), goes up and to the right, and ends at the point (b, a). The second piece starts at the point (b, 0), goes up and to the right, and ends at the point (2b, a). The third piece starts at the point (2b, 0), goes up and to the right, and ends at the point (3b, a). The fourth piece starts at the point (3b, 0), goes up and to the right, and ends at the point (4b, a). The fifth piece starts at the point (4b, 0), goes up and to the right, and exits the right of the first quadrant. The graph is titled Sawtooth function.

    FIGURE 4.4.8 Graph for Problem 67

  4. A function f(t) is graphed on the t f(t) plane. Five pieces of the function are graphed as straight lines. The first piece starts at the point (0, 0), goes up and to the right, and ends at the point (1, 1). The second piece starts at the point (1, 1), goes down and to the right, and ends at the point (2, 0). The third piece starts at the point (2, 0), goes up and to the right, and ends at the point (3, 1). The fourth piece starts at the point (3, 1), goes down and to the right, and ends at the point (4, 0). The fifth piece starts at the point (4, 0), goes up and to the right, and exits the right of the first quadrant. The graph is titled Triangular wave.

    FIGURE 4.4.9 Graph for Problem 68

  5. A function f(t) is graphed on the t f(t) plane. Five pieces of the function are graphed as continuous curves that follow wave pattern. The first piece starts at the point (0, 0), goes up and to the right, reaches the high point (pi over 2, 1), then goes down and to the right, and ends at the point (pi, 0). The second piece starts at the point (pi, 0), goes up and to the right, reaches the high point (3 pi over 2, 1), then goes down and to the right, and ends at the point (2 pi, 0). The third piece starts at the point (2 pi, 0), goes up and to the right, reaches the high point (5 pi over 2, 1), then goes down and to the right, and ends at the point (3 pi, 0). The fourth piece starts at the point (3 pi, 0), goes up and to the right, reaches the high point (7 pi over 2, 1), then goes down and to the right, and ends at the point (4 pi, 0). The fifth piece starts at the point (4 pi, 0), goes up and to the right, and exits the right of the first quadrant. The graph is titled Full-wave rectification of sin t.

    FIGURE 4.4.10 Graph for Problem 69

  6. A function f(t) is graphed on the t f(t) plane. Five pieces of the function are graphed as combination of curves and straight lines. The first piece is a curve that starts at the point (0, 0), goes up and to the right, reaches the high point (pi over 2, 1), then goes down and to the right, and ends at the point (pi, 0). The second piece is a straight line that starts at the point (pi, 0), goes to the right, and ends at the point (2 pi, 0). The third piece is a curve that starts at the point (2 pi, 0), goes up and to the right, reaches the high point (5 pi over 2, 1), then goes down and to the right, and ends at the point (3 pi, 0). The fourth piece is a straight line that starts at the point (3 pi, 0), goes to the right, and ends at the point (4 pi, 0). The fifth piece is a curve that starts at the point (4 pi, 0), goes up and to the right, and exits the right of the first quadrant. The graph is titled Half-wave rectification of sin t.

    FIGURE 4.4.11 Graph for Problem 70

In Problems 71 and 72, solve equation (11) subject to i(0) = 0 with E(t) as given. Use a graphing utility to graph the solution for 0 ≤ t ≤ 4 in the case when L = 1 and R = 1.

  1. E(t) is the meander function in Problem 65 with amplitude 1 and a = 1.
  2. E(t) is the sawtooth function in Problem 67 with amplitude 1 and b = 1.

In Problems 73 and 74, solve the model for a driven spring/mass system with damping

where the driving function f is as specified. Use a graphing utility to graph x(t) for the indicated values of t.

  1. m = , β = 1, k = 5, f is the meander function in Problem 65 with amplitude 10, and a = π, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π.
  2. m = 1, β = 2, k = 1, f is the square wave in Figure 4.4.4 with amplitude 5, and a = π, 0 ≤ t ≤ 4π.

Discussion Problems

  1. Show how to use the Laplace transform to find the numerical value of the improper integral
  2. In Problem 63 we were able to solve an initial-value problem without knowing the Laplace transform In this problem you are asked to find the actual transformed function by solving another initial-value problem.

    (a) If then show that y is a solution of the initial-value problem

    (b) Find by using the Laplace transform to solve the problem in part (a). [Hint: First find Y(0) by rereading the material on the error function in Section 2.3. Then in the solution of the resulting linear first-order DE in Y(s) integrate on the interval [0, s]. It also helps to use a dummy variable of integration.]

In Problems 77 and 78, use Theorem 4.4.1 with ,

where to find the inverse Laplace transform of the given function.

In Problems 79 and 80, use the known result

where to find the Laplace transform of the given function. The symbols a and k are positive constants.

Computer Lab Assignments

  1. In this problem you are led through the commands in Mathematica that enable you to obtain the symbolic Laplace transform of a differential equation and the solution of the initial-value problem by finding the inverse transform. In Mathematica the Laplace transform of a function y(t) is obtained using LaplaceTransform [y[t], t, s]. In line two of the syntax, we replace LaplaceTransform [y[t], t, s] by the symbol Y. (If you do not have Mathematica, then adapt the given procedure by finding the corresponding syntax for the CAS you have on hand.)

    Consider the initial-value problem

    y″ + 6y′ + 9y = t sin t, y(0) = 2, y′(0) = –1.

    Precisely reproduce and then, in turn, execute each line in the given sequence of commands. Either copy the output by hand or print out the results.

    diffequat = y″[t] + 6y′[t] + 9y[t] == t Sin[t]

    transformdeq = LaplaceTransform [diffequat, t, s]/.

    {y[0] − > 2, y′[0] − > −1,

    LaplaceTransform [y[t], t, s] − > Y}

    soln = Solve[transformdeq, Y] // Flatten

    Y = Y/. soln

    InverseLaplaceTransform[Y, s, t]

  2. Appropriately modify the procedure of Problem 81 to find a solution of

    y‴ + 3y′ − 4y = 0, y(0) = 0, y′(0) = 0, y″(0) = 1.

  3. The charge q(t) on a capacitor in an LC-series circuit is given by

    + q = 1− 4 (tπ)+ 6 (t− 3π), q(0) = 0, q′(0) = 0.

    Appropriately modify the procedure of Problem 81 to find q(t). Graph your solution.