4.1 Definition of the Laplace Transform


In elementary calculus you learned that differentiation and integration are transforms—this means, roughly speaking, that these operations transform a function into another function. For example, the function f(x) = x2 is transformed, in turn, into a linear function, a family of cubic polynomial functions, and a constant by the operations of differentiation, indefinite integration, and definite integration:

Moreover, these two transforms possess the linearity property; this means the transform of a linear combination of functions is a linear combination of the transforms. For α and β constants,


provided each derivative and integral exists. In this section we will examine a special type of integral transform called the Laplace transform. In addition to possessing the linearity property, the Laplace transform has many other interesting properties that make it very useful in solving linear initial-value problems.

Integral Transform

If f(x, y) is a function of two variables, then a definite integral of f with respect to one of the variables leads to a function of the other variable. For example, by holding y constant we see that Similarly, a definite integral such as transforms a function f of the variable t into a function F of the variable s. We are particularly interested in an integral transform, where the interval of integration is the unbounded interval If is defined for then the improper integral is defined as a limit


If the limit in (1) exists, we say that the integral exists or is convergent; if the limit does not exist, the integral does not exist and is divergent. The limit in (1) will, in general, exist for only certain values of the variable s.

A Definition

The function in (1) is said to be the kernel of the transform. The choice as the kernel gives us an especially important integral transform.

DEFINITION 4.1.1 Laplace Transform

Let f be a function defined on Then the function F defined by


is said to be the Laplace transform of f. The domain of F(s) is the set of values of s for which the improper integral (2) converges.

The Laplace transform of a function f is also denoted by In general discussion and applications, we shall use a lowercase letter to denote the function being transformed and the corresponding capital letter to denote its Laplace transform. For example,

The Laplace transform is named in honor of the French mathematician, astronomer, and physicist Pierre-Simon Marquis de Laplace (1749–1827), who used the transform in his investigations of probability theory. Most likely the Laplace transform was invented by Leonard Euler. For his services to the Bourbons in restoring the monarchy following the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1814, King Louis XVIII awarded Laplace the title of Marquis.

In a general setting, the variable s could be a complex number. But throughout this chapter we shall assume that s is real. As the next four examples show, the domain of F(s) depends on the function f(t).

A photo of Pierre-Simon Marquis de Laplace.

© ART Collection/Alamy Stock Photo

Pierre-Simon Marquis de Laplace

EXAMPLE 1 Using Definition 4.1.1

Find {1}.


From (2),

provided s > 0. In other words, when s > 0, the exponent −sb is negative and esb → 0 as b → ∞. The integral diverges for s < 0, and so the domain of F(s) = 1/s is defined by s > 0.

The use of the limit sign becomes somewhat tedious, so we shall adopt the notation as a shorthand to writing limb → ∞() . For example,

At the upper limit, it is understood we mean est → 0 as t → ∞ for s > 0.

EXAMPLE 2 Using Definition 4.1.1

Find {t}.


From Definition 4.1.1, we have {t} = estt dt. Integrating by parts and using limt→∞ test = 0, s > 0, along with the result from Example 1, we obtain

EXAMPLE 3 Using Definition 4.1.1


  1. {e−3t}
  2. {e6t}.

In each case we use Definition 4.1.1.

  1. The last result is valid for s > −3 because in order to have limt→∞ e−(s + 3)t = 0 we must require that s + 3 > 0 or s > −3.

  2. In contrast to part (a), this result is valid for s > 6 because limt→∞ = 0 demands s − 6 > 0 or s > 6.

EXAMPLE 4 Using Definition 4.1.1

Find {sin 2t}.


From Definition 4.1.1 and integration by parts we have



At this point we have an equation with {sin 2t} on both sides of the equality. Solving for that quantity yields the result

{sin 2t} = , s > 0.

Note that the integral in (4) of Example 4 is the Laplace transform of So (3) and (4) show that Laplace transform of is a multiple of the Laplace transform of :

Thus, with no further work we obtain the additional result

Linearity of the Laplace Transform

Suppose the functions f and g possess Laplace transforms for and , respectively. If c denotes the maximum of the two numbers c1 and c2, then for and constants and we can write

In other words,


Because of the property given in (5), is said to be a linear transform. Furthermore, by the properties of the definite integral, the transform of any finite linear combination of functions is the sum of the transforms provided each transform exists on some common interval of the s-axis.

EXAMPLE 5 Linearity of the Laplace Transform

In this example we use the results of the preceding examples to illustrate the linearity of the Laplace transform.

(a) From Examples 1 and 2 we know that both {1} and {t} exist on the interval defined by s > 0. Hence, for s > 0 we can write


(b) From Example 3 we saw that {e6t} exists on the interval defined by s > 6, and in Example 4 we saw that {sin 2t} exists on the interval defined by s > 0. Thus both transforms exist for the common values of s defined by s > 6, and we can write

(c) From Examples 1, 2, and 3 we have for s > 0,

EXAMPLE 6 Linearity of the Laplace Transform

Find .


Recall, the definition of the hyperbolic sine is

Now, you should be able to modify the work in parts (b) and (a) of Example 3 to show that

Hence by the linearity property (5), we have for

We state the generalization of some of the preceding examples by means of the next theorem. From this point on we shall also refrain from stating any restrictions on s; it is understood that s is sufficiently restricted to guarantee the convergence of the appropriate Laplace transform.

THEOREM 4.1.1 Transforms of Some Basic Functions

(a) {1} =

(b) {tn} = , n = 1, 2, 3, …

(c) {eat} =

(d) {sin kt} =

(e) {cos kt} =

(f) {sinh kt} =

(g) {cosh kt} =

The result in (b) of Theorem 4.1.1 can be formally justified for n a positive integer using integration by parts to first show that

Then for n = 1, 2, and 3, we have, respectively,

If we carry on in this manner, you should be convinced that

A more extensive list of functions and their Laplace transforms is given in Appendix C.

The Laplace transforms of trigonometric functions can often be obtained with the help of trigonometric identities and (d) and (e) of Theorem 4.1.1.

EXAMPLE 7 Using a Trigonometric Identity



Using the half-angle formula the linearity property (5), and (a) and (e) of Theorem 4.1.1, we obtain for

Sufficient Conditions for Existence of {f(t)}

The integral that defines the Laplace transform does not have to converge. For example, neither {1/t} nor {} exists. Sufficient conditions guaranteeing the existence of {f(t)} are that f be piecewise continuous on [0, ∞) and that f be of exponential order for t > T. Recall that a function f is piecewise continuous on [0, ∞) if, in any interval defined by 0 ≤ atb, there are at most a finite number of points tk, k = 1, 2, …, n(tk−1 < tk), at which f has finite discontinuities and is continuous on each open interval defined by tk−1 < t < tk. See FIGURE 4.1.1. The concept of exponential order is defined in the following manner.

Four pieces of a curve are graphed on the t f(t) plane. The first piece starts at a point on the positive f(t) axis, goes down and to the right, and ends at a point in the first quadrant that corresponds to the t value of t subscript 1. The second piece starts at a point above the endpoint of the first piece that corresponds to the t value of t subscript 1. It goes up and to the right, then goes down and to the right, and ends at a point in the first quadrant that corresponds to the t value of t subscript 2. The third piece starts at a point below the endpoints of the first and second pieces, that corresponds to the t value of t subscript 2. It goes up and to the right, then goes sharply up and to the right, and ends at a point that corresponds to the t value of t subscript 3. The fourth piece starts at a point below the endpoint of the third piece that corresponds to the t value of t subscript 3. It goes down and to the right smoothly, then goes up and to the right, and exits the right of the first quadrant. A point a is labeled on the positive t axis that corresponds almost to the middle of the first piece. Another point b is labeled on the positive t axis that corresponds almost to the middle of the fourth piece.

FIGURE 4.1.1 Piecewise-continuous function

DEFINITION 4.1.2 Exponential Order

A function f is said to be of exponential order if there exist constants c, M > 0, and T > 0 such that | f(t)| ≤ Mect for all t > T.

If f is an increasing function, then the condition |f(t)| ≤ Mect, t > T, simply states that the graph of f on the interval (T, ∞) does not grow faster than the graph of the exponential function Mect, where c is a positive constant. See FIGURE 4.1.2. The functions f(t) = t, f(t) = et, and f(t) = 2 cos t are all of exponential order c = 1 for t > 0 since we have, respectively,

|t|≤ et,        |et|≤et,         |2 cos t|≤2et.

Two curves are graphed on the t f(t) plane. The curve labeled f(t) starts at a point on the positive f(t) axis, gradually goes up and to the right, and ends almost at the middle of the first quadrant. The curve labeled M times e^(c t) starts at a point in the second quadrant, goes up and to the right through the positive f(t) axis, crosses the curve for f(t), then goes sharply up and to the right, and exits the top of the first quadrant. The point of intersection of the two curves corresponds to the t value of T.

FIGURE 4.1.2 Function f is of exponential order

A comparison of the graphs on the interval [0, ∞) is given in FIGURE 4.1.3.

Three graphs a, b, and c. Graph (a). A curve and a line are graphed on the t f(t) plane. The curve labeled e^t starts at a point in the second quadrant, goes up and to the right through the positive f(t) axis, then goes sharply up and to the right, and exits the top of the first quadrant. The line starts at a point on the positive f(t) axis just above the origin, goes up and to the right, and exits the top right of the first quadrant. Graph (b). Two curves are graphed on the t f(t) plane. The curve labeled e^t starts at a point in the second quadrant, goes up and to the right through the positive f(t) axis, then goes sharply up and to the right, and exits the top of the first quadrant. The curve labeled e^negative t starts at a point on the positive f(t) axis where the curve for e^t crosses the positive f(t) axis, goes down and to the right, then goes to the right becoming flat toward the end, and ends on the right of the positive t axis. Graph (c). Two curves are graphed on the t f(t) plane. The curve labeled 2 times e^t starts at a point in the second quadrant, goes up and to the right through the positive f(t) axis, then goes sharply up and to the right, and exits the top of the first quadrant. The curve labeled 2 times cos t follows a constant-amplitude wave pattern. It starts at a point on the positive f(t) axis where the curve for 2 times e^t crosses the positive f(t) axis, goes down and to the right through the positive t axis, and reaches a low point in the fourth quadrant. Then, it goes up and to the right through the positive t axis, reaches a high point in the first quadrant, again goes down and to the right, and ends at the right of the first quadrant.

FIGURE 4.1.3 Functions with blue graphs are of exponential order

A positive integral power of t is always of exponential order since, for c > 0,

is equivalent to showing that limt→∞tn/ect is finite for n = 1, 2, 3, . . . . The result follows by n applications of L’Hôpital’s rule. A function such as is not of exponential order since, as shown in FIGURE 4.1.4, grows faster than any positive linear power of e for t > c > 0. This can also be seen from

Two curves are graphed on the t f(t) plane. The curve labeled e^(t^2) starts at a point on the positive f(t) axis, goes up and to the right, then goes sharply up, and exits the top of the first quadrant. The curve labeled e^(c t) starts at a point in the second quadrant, goes up and to the right through the positive f(t) axis where the curve for e^(t^2) starts, crosses the curve for e^(t^2) at a point in the first quadrant corresponding to the t value of c, then goes up and to the right, and exits the top of the first quadrant.

FIGURE 4.1.4 f(t) = et2 is not of exponential order

for any value of c. By the same reasoning, as for any s and so the improper integral dt diverges. In other words, does not exist.

THEOREM 4.1.2 Sufficient Conditions for Existence

If f(t) is piecewise continuous on the interval [0, ∞) and of exponential order, then {f(t)} exists for s > c.


By the additive interval property of definite integrals,

The integral I1 exists because it can be written as a sum of integrals over intervals on which estf(t) is continuous. Now f is of exponential order, so there exists constants c, M > 0, T > 0 so that |f(t)| ≤ Mect for t > T. We can then write

for s > c. Since Me−(sc)t dt converges, the integral |estf(t)| dt converges by the comparison test for improper integrals. This, in turn, implies that I2 exists for s > c. The existence of I1 and I2 implies that {f(t)} = estf(t) dt exists for s > c.

EXAMPLE 8 Transform of a Piecewise-Continuous Function

Find {f(t)} for f(t) =


This piecewise-continuous function appears in FIGURE 4.1.5. Since f is defined in two pieces, {f(t)} is expressed as the sum of two integrals:

Two pieces of a function are graphed on the t y plane. The first piece is a straight line that starts at the origin (0, 0), goes to the right, and ends at the point (3, 0). The second piece is also a straight line that starts at the point (3, 2), goes to the right, and exits the right of the first quadrant. The point (3, 2) is marked with a dot.

FIGURE 4.1.5 Piecewise-continuous function in Example 8

In the remaining sections of this chapter we shall refrain from stating any restrictions on s in the examples; it is understood that s is sufficiently restricted to guarantee the convergence of the appropriate Laplace transform.


Throughout this chapter we shall be concerned primarily with functions that are both piecewise continuous and of exponential order. We note, however, that these two conditions are sufficient but not necessary for the existence of a Laplace transform. The function is not piecewise continuous on the interval [0, ∞); nevertheless, its Laplace transform exists. See Problem 47 in Exercises 4.1.

4.1 Exercises Answers to selected odd-numbered problems begin on page ANS-9.

In Problems 1–18, use Definition 4.1.1 to find {f(t)}.

  1. Two pieces of a function are graphed on the t f(t) plane. The first piece is a straight line that starts at the origin (0, 0), goes to the right, and ends at the point (1, 0). The second piece is also a straight line that starts at the point (1, 1), goes up and to the right through the point (2, 2), and exits the top right of the first quadrant. The point (2, 2) is marked with a dot.

    FIGURE 4.1.6 Graph for Problem 7

  2. Two pieces of a function are graphed on the t f(t) plane. The first piece is a straight line that starts at the origin (0, 0), goes to the right, and ends at the point (1, 0). The second piece is also a straight line that starts at the point (1, 0), goes up and to the right through the point (2, 2), and exits the top right of the first quadrant. The point (2, 2) is marked with a dot.

    FIGURE 4.1.7 Graph for Problem 8

  3. Two pieces of a function are graphed on the t f(t) plane. The first piece is a straight line that starts at the point (0, 1), goes down and to the right, and ends at the point (1, 0). The second piece is also a straight line that starts at the point (1, 0), goes to the right, and ends at the right on the positive t axis.

    FIGURE 4.1.8 Graph for Problem 9

  4. Three pieces of a function are graphed on the t f(t) plane. The first piece is a straight line that starts at the origin (0, 0), goes to the right, and ends at the point (a, 0). The second piece is also a straight line that starts at the point (a, c), goes to the right, and ends at the point (b, c). The third piece is also a straight line that starts at the point (b, 0), goes to the right, and ends at the right on the positive t axis.

    FIGURE 4.1.9 Graph for Problem 10

  5. f(t) = et+7
  6. f(t) = e−2t−5
  7. f(t) = te4t
  8. f(t) = t2e−2t
  9. f(t) = et sin t
  10. f(t) = et cos t
  11. f(t) = t cos t
  12. f(t) = t sin t

In Problems 19–38, use Theorem 4.1.1 to find {f(t)}.

  1. f(t) = 2t4
  2. f(t) = t5
  3. f(t) = 4t − 10
  4. f(t) = 7t + 3
  5. f(t) = t2 + 6t − 3
  6. f(t) = −4t2 + 16t + 9
  7. f(t) = (t + 1)3
  8. f(t) = (2t − 1)3
  9. f(t) = 1 + e4t
  10. f(t) = t2e−9t + 5
  11. f(t) = (1 + e2t)2
  12. f(t) = (etet)2
  13. f(t) = 4t2 − 5 sin 3t
  14. f(t) = cos 5t + sin 2t
  15. f(t) = sinh kt
  16. f(t) = cosh kt
  17. f(t) = et sinh t
  18. f(t) = et cosh t
  19. f(t) = cosh2 kt
  20. f(t) = sinh2 kt

In Problems 39–44, find {f(t)} by first using a trigonometric identity.

  1. One definition of the gamma function Γ(α) is given by the improper integral

    Use this definition to show that Γ(α + 1) = αΓ(α).

  2. Use Problem 45 to show that

    This result is a generalization of Theorem 4.1.1(b).

In Problems 47–50, use the results in Problems 45 and 46 and the fact that to find the Laplace transform of the given function.

  1. f(t) = t−1/2
  2. f(t) = t1/2
  3. f(t) = t3/2
  4. f(t) = 6t1/2 − 24t5/2

Discussion Problems

  1. For what values of s is the following true

  2. Figure 4.1.4 suggests, but does not prove, that the function is not of exponential order. How does the observation that t2 > ln M + ct, for M > 0 and t sufficiently large, show that > Mect for any c?
  3. Use part (c) of Theorem 4.1.1 to show that

    where a and b are real and i2 = −1. Show how Euler’s formula (page 126) can then be used to deduce the results


  4. Under what conditions is a linear function

    f(x) = mx + b,

    m ≠ 0, a linear transform?

  5. The function is not of exponential order. Nevertheless, show that the Laplace transform exists. [Hint: Use integration by parts.]
  6. Explain why the function

    is not piecewise continuous on

  7. Show that the function does not possess a Laplace transform. [Hint: Write as two improper integrals:

    Show that diverges.]

  8. If and a > 0 is a constant, show that

    This result is known as the change of scale theorem.

In Problems 59–62, use the given Laplace transform and the result in Problem 58 to find the indicated Laplace transform. Assume that a and k are positive constants.