20.6 Applications


In Sections 20.2, 20.3, and 20.5 we demonstrated how Laplace’s partial differential equation can be solved with conformal mapping methods, and we interpreted a solution u = u(x, y) of the Dirichlet problem as either the steady-state temperature at the point (x, y) or the equilibrium displacement of a membrane at the point (x, y). Laplace’s equation is a fundamental partial differential equation that arises in a variety of contexts. In this section we will establish a general relationship between vector fields and analytic functions and use our conformal mapping techniques to solve problems involving electrostatic force fields and two-dimensional fluid flows.

Vector Fields

A vector field F(x, y) = P(x, y)i + Q(x, y)j in a domain D can also be expressed in the complex form

F(x, y) = P(x, y) + iQ(x, y)

and thought of as a complex function. Recall from Chapter 9 that div F = ∂P/∂x + ∂Q/∂y and curl F = (∂Q/∂x − ∂P/∂y)k. If we require that both div F = 0 and curl F = 0, then


This set of equations is reminiscent of the Cauchy–Riemann criterion for analyticity presented in Theorem 17.5.2 and suggests that we examine the complex function g(z) = P(x, y) − iQ(x, y).

THEOREM 20.6.1 Vector Fields and Analyticity

(i) Suppose that F(x, y) = P(x, y) + iQ(x, y) is a vector field in a domain D and P(x, y) and Q(x, y) are continuous and have continuous first partial derivatives in D. If div F = 0 and curl F = 0, then the complex function

g(z) = P(x, y) − iQ(x, y)

is analytic in D.

(ii) Conversely, if g(z) is analytic in D, then F(x, y) = defines a vector field in D for which div F = 0 and curl F = 0.


If u(x, y) and v(x, y) denote the real and imaginary parts of g(z), then u = P and v = −Q. Therefore the equations in (1) are equivalent to the equations

that is, (2)

The equations in (2) are the Cauchy–Riemann equations for analyticity.

EXAMPLE 1 Vector Field Gives an Analytic Function

The vector field defined by F(x, y) = (−kq/zz02)(zz0) may be interpreted as the electric field produced by a wire that is perpendicular to the z-plane at z = z0 and carries a charge of q coulombs per unit length. The corresponding complex function is

Since g(z) is analytic for zz0, div F = 0 and curl F = 0.

EXAMPLE 2 Analytic Function Gives a Vector Field

The complex function g(z) = Az, A > 0, is analytic in the first quadrant and therefore gives rise to the vector field V(x, y) = = AxiAy, which satisfies div V = 0 and curl V = 0. We will show toward the end of this section that V(x, y) may be interpreted as the velocity of a fluid that moves around the corner produced by the boundary of the first quadrant.

The physical interpretation of the conditions div F = 0 and curl F = 0 depends on the setting. If F(x, y) represents the force in an electric field that acts on a unit test charge placed at (x, y), then, by Theorem 9.9.2, curl F = 0 if and only if the field is conservative. The work done in transporting a test charge between two points in a domain D must be independent of the path.

If C is a simple closed contour that lies in D, Gauss’s law asserts that the line integral (F · n) ds is proportional to the total charge enclosed by the curve C. If D is simply connected and all the electric charge is distributed on the boundary of D, then (F · n) ds = 0 for any simple closed contour in D. By the divergence theorem in the form (1) of Section 9.16,


where R is the region enclosed by C, and we can conclude that div F = 0 in D. Conversely, if div F = 0 in D, the double integral is zero and therefore the domain D contains no charge.

Potential Functions

Suppose that F(x, y) is a vector field in a simply connected domain D with both div F = 0 and curl F = 0. By Theorem 18.3.3, the analytic function g(z) = P(x, y) − iQ(x, y) has an antiderivative


in D, which is called a complex potential for the vector field F. Note that

and so (5)

Therefore, F = ϕ and, as in Section 9.9, the harmonic function ϕ is called a (real) potential function for F.* When the potential ϕ is specified on the boundary of a region R, we can use conformal mapping techniques to solve the resulting Dirichlet problem. The equipotential lines ϕ(x, y) = c can be sketched and the vector field F can be determined using (5).

EXAMPLE 3 Complex Potential

The potential ϕ in the half-plane x ≥ 0 satisfies the boundary conditions ϕ(0, y) = 0 and ϕ(x, 0) = 1 for x ≥ 1. See FIGURE 20.6.1(a). Determine a complex potential, the equipotential lines, and the force field F.

Two graphs. In the first graph, the horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a point labeled 1 on the horizonal axis and Phi = 0 is labeled on both the positive and negative vertical axis. A horizontal line labeled Phi = 1 passes through the horizontal axis from 1 to the extreme right. The graph shows two decreasing concave up curves at the left of 1 with a slight bend intersecting the horizontal axis labeled 0.25 and 0.5, respectively. Another decreasing concave up curve labeled 0.75 intersecting at 1. In the second graph, the horizontal axis is labeled u and the vertical axis is labeled v. U = 0 is labeled on both positive and negative vertical axis. The graph shows three vertical lines intersecting the horizontal axis labeled 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75, respectively. The fourth vertical line intersecting the horizontal axis at pi over 2 labeled U = 1 in both the first and fourth quadrants.

FIGURE 20.6.1 Images of boundary conditions in Example 3


We saw in Example 2 of Section 20.2 that the analytic function z = sin w maps the strip 0 ≤ uπ/2 in the w-plane to the region R in question. Therefore, f(z) = sin−1z maps R onto the strip, and Figure 20.6.1(b) shows the transferred boundary conditions. The simplified Dirichlet problem has the solution U(u, v) = (2/π)u, and so ϕ(x, y) = U(sin−1z) = Re ((2/π) sin−1z) is the potential function on D, and G(z) = (2/π)u sin−1z is a complex potential for the force field F.

Note that the equipotential lines ϕ = c are the images of the equipotential lines U = c in the w-plane under the inverse mapping z = sin w. In Example 2 of Section 20.2 we showed that the vertical line u = a is mapped onto a branch of the hyperbola

Since the equipotential line U = c, 0 < c < 1, is the vertical line u = π/2c, it follows that the equipotential line ϕ = c is the right branch of the hyperbola

Since F = and d/dz sin−1z = 1/(1 − z2)1/2, the force field is given by

Steady-State Fluid Flow

The vector V(x, y) = P(x, y) + iQ(x, y) may also be interpreted as the velocity vector of a two-dimensional steady-state fluid flow at a point (x, y) in a domain D. The velocity at all points in the domain is therefore independent of time, and all movement takes place in planes that are parallel to a z-plane.

The physical interpretation of the conditions div V = 0 and curl V = 0 was discussed in Section 9.7. Recall that if curl V = 0 in D, the flow is called irrotational. If a small circular paddle wheel is placed in the fluid, the net angular velocity on the boundary of the wheel is zero, and so the wheel will not rotate. If div V = 0 in D, the flow is called incompressible. In a simply connected domain D, an incompressible flow has the special property that the amount of fluid in the interior of any simple closed contour C is independent of time. The rate at which fluid enters the interior of C matches the rate at which it leaves, and consequently there can be no fluid sources or sinks at points in D.

If div V = 0 and curl V = 0, V has a complex velocity potential

G(z) = ϕ(x, y) + (x, y)

that satisfies = V. In this setting, special importance is placed on the level curves ψ(x, y) = c. If z(t) = x(t) + iy(t) is the path of a particle (such as a small cork) that has been placed in the fluid, then


Hence, dy/dx = Q(x, y)/P(x, y) or −Q(x, y) dx + P(x, y) dy = 0. This differential equation is exact, since div V = 0 implies ∂(−Q)/∂y = ∂P/∂x. By the Cauchy–Riemann equations, ∂ψ/∂x = −∂ϕ/∂y = −Q and ∂ψ/∂y = ∂ϕ/∂x = P, and therefore all solutions of (6) satisfy ψ(x, y) = c. The function ψ(x, y) is therefore called a stream function and the level curves ψ(x, y) = c are streamlines for the flow.

EXAMPLE 4 Uniform Flow

The uniform flow in the upper half-plane is defined by V(x, y) = A(1, 0), where A is a fixed positive constant. Note that V = A, and so a particle in the fluid moves at a constant speed. A complex potential for the vector field is G(z) = Az = Ax + iAy, and so the streamlines are the horizontal lines Ay = c. See FIGURE 20.6.2(a). Note that the boundary y = 0 of the region is itself a streamline.

Two graphs. In the first graph, the horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows seven horizontal lines moving from the second quadrant to the first quadrant. Two right arrows on the fourth horizontal line are shown in both the quadrants labeled V. In the second graph, the horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows ten decreasing concave up curves moving downward. An arrow moving downward and another arrow moving towards right labeled V are shown in the curve nearest to the axes.

FIGURE 20.6.2 (a) Uniform flow in Example 4; (b) Flow around a corner in Example 5

EXAMPLE 5 Flow Around a Corner

The analytic function G(z) = z2 gives rise to the vector field V(x, y) = = (2x, −2y) in the first quadrant. Since z2 = x2y2 + i(2xy), the stream function is ψ(x, y) = 2xy and the streamlines are the hyperbolas 2xy = c. This flow, called flow around a corner, is depicted in Figure 20.6.2(b). As in Example 4, the boundary lines x = 0 and y = 0 in the first quadrant are themselves streamlines.

Constructing Special Flows

The process of constructing an irrotational and incompressible flow that remains inside a given region R is called streamlining. Since the streamlines are described by ψ(x, y) = c, two distinct streamlines do not intersect. Therefore, if the boundary is itself a streamline, a particle that starts inside R cannot leave R. This is the content of the following theorem:

THEOREM 20.6.2 Streamlining

Suppose that G(z) = ϕ(x, y) + (x, y) is analytic in a region R and ψ(x, y) is constant on the boundary of R. Then V(x, y) = defines an irrotational and incompressible fluid flow in R. Moreover, if a particle is placed inside R, its path z = z(t) remains in R.

EXAMPLE 6 Flow Around a Cylinder

The analytic function G(z) = z + 1/z maps the region R in the upper half-plane and outside the circle z = 1 onto the upper half-plane v ≥ 0. The boundary of R is mapped onto the u-axis, and so v = ψ(x, y) = yy/(x2 + y2) is zero on the boundary of R. FIGURE 20.6.3 shows the streamlines of the resulting flow. The velocity field is given by = 1 − 1/, and so

A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a point labeled minus 1 on the negative horizontal axis and a point labeled 1 on the positive horizontal axis. The graph shows a semicircle centered at the origin and two horizontal line passes through the horizontal axis from 1 to the extreme right and from minus 1 to the extreme left. The graph also shows the flow of streamlines above the semicircle from the first quadrant to the second quadrant. The lines gradually become uniform at the top. The top line is marked with a right arrow in the second quadrant.

FIGURE 20.6.3 Flow around a cylinder in Example 6

It follows that V ≈ (1, 0) for large values of r, and so the flow is approximately uniform at large distances from the circle z = 1. The resulting flow in the region R is called flow around a cylinder. The mirror image of the flow can be adjoined to give a flow around a complete cylinder.

If R is a polygonal region, we can use the Schwarz–Christoffel formula to find a conformal mapping z = f(w) from the upper half-plane R′ onto R. The inverse function G(z) = f−1(z) maps the boundary of R onto the u-axis. Therefore, if G(z) = ϕ(x, y) + (x, y), then ψ(x, y) = 0 on the boundary of R. Note that the streamlines ψ(x, y) = c in the z-plane are the images of the horizontal lines v = c in the w-plane under z = f(w).

EXAMPLE 7 Streamlines Defined Parametrically

The analytic function f(w) = w + Ln w + 1 maps the upper half-plane v ≥ 0 to the upper half-plane y ≥ 0 with the horizontal line y = π, x ≤ 0, deleted. See Example 4 in Section 20.4. If G(z) = f−1(z) = ϕ(x, y) + (x, y), then G(z) maps R onto the upper half-plane and maps the boundary of R onto the u-axis. Therefore, ψ (x, y) = 0 on the boundary of R.

It is not possible to find an explicit formula for the stream function ψ (x, y). The streamlines, however, are the images of the horizontal lines v = c under z = f(w). If we write w = t + ic, c > 0, then the streamlines can be represented in the parametric form

z = f(t + ic) = t + ic + Ln(t + ic) + 1;

that is, x = t + 1 + loge (t2 + c2), y = c + Arg(t + ic).

Graphing software was used to generate the streamlines in FIGURE 20.6.4.

A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a horizontal line labeled y = pi intersecting the vertical axis in the second quadrant. The graph also shows the streamlines of the horizontal line that start bending towards the bottom in the first quadrant. The graph also shows four C-shaped curves below the horizontal line in the second quadrant and become horizontal joining the horizontal axis in the first quadrant.

FIGURE 20.6.4 Flow in Example 7

A stream function ψ (x, y) is harmonic but, unlike a solution to a Dirichlet problem, we do not require ψ (x, y) to be bounded (see Examples 4–6) or to assume a fixed set of constants on the boundary. Therefore, there may be many different stream functions for a given region that satisfy Theorem 20.6.2. This will be illustrated in the final example.


EXAMPLE 8 Streamlines Defined Parametrically

The analytic function f(w) = w + ew + 1 maps the horizontal strip 0 ≤ vπ onto the region R shown in Figure 20.6.4. Therefore, G(z) = f−1(z) = ϕ(x, y) + (x, y) maps R back to the strip and, from M-1 in the conformal mappings in Appendix D, maps the boundary line y = 0 onto the u-axis and maps the boundary line y = π, x ≤ 0, onto the horizontal line v = π. Therefore, ψ(x, y) is constant on the boundary of R.

The streamlines are the images of the horizontal lines v = c, 0 < c < π, under z = f(w). As in Example 7, a parametric representation of the streamlines is

z = f(t + ic) = t + ic + et+ic + 1

or x = t + 1 + et cos c, y = c + et sin c.

The streamlines are shown in FIGURE 20.6.5. Unlike the flow in Example 7, the fluid appears to emerge from the strip 0 ≤ yπ, x ≤ 0.

A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a horizontal line labeled y = pi intersecting the vertical axis in the second quadrant. The graph also shows seven horizontal lines in the second quadrant intersecting the vertical axis. The horizontal lines gradually bend towards the top right in the form of increasing curve in the first quadrant after intersection. The top two lines bend and intersect the vertical axis forming U-shaped curves.

FIGURE 20.6.5 Flow in Example 8

20.6 Exercises Answers to selected odd-numbered problems begin on page ANS-50.

In Problems 1–4, verify that div F = 0 and curl F = 0 for the given vector field F(x, y) by examining the corresponding complex function g(z) = P(x, y) − iQ(x, y). Find a complex potential for the vector field and sketch the equipotential lines.

  1. F(x, y) = (cos θ0) i + (sin θ0) j
  2. F(x, y) = −y ix j
  3. F(x, y) = j
  4. F(x, y) = j
  5. The potential ϕ on the wedge 0 ≤ Arg zπ/4 satisfies the boundary conditions ϕ(x, 0) = 0 and ϕ(x, x) = 1 for x > 0. Determine a complex potential, the equipotential lines, and the corresponding force field F.
  6. Use the conformal mapping f(z) = 1/z to determine a complex potential, the equipotential lines, and the corresponding force field F for the potential ϕ that satisfies the boundary conditions shown in FIGURE 20.6.6.
    A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a point labeled i on the positive vertical axis and the negative and positive horizontal axes are labeled phi = 0. The graph also shows a circle centered at i passing through the origin. The radius of the circle is labeled 1. The boundary of the circle in both the quadrants are labeled phi = 1. The exterior of the circle is shaded.

    FIGURE 20.6.6 Boundary conditions in Problem 6

  7. The potential ϕ on the semicircle z ≤ 1, y ≥ 0, satisfies the boundary conditions ϕ(x, 0) = 0, −1 < x < 1, and ϕ(e) = 1, 0 < θ < π. Show that


    and use the mapping properties of linear fractional transformations to explain why the equipotential lines are arcs of circles.

  8. Use the conformal mapping C-1 in Appendix D to find the potential ϕ in the region outside the two circles z = 1 and z − 3 = 1 if the potential is kept at zero on z = 1 and one on z − 3 = 1. Use the mapping properties of linear fractional transformations to explain why the equipotential lines are, with one exception, circles.

In Problems 9–14, a complex velocity potential G(z) is defined on a region R.

  1. Find the stream function and verify that the boundary of R is a streamline.
  2. Find the corresponding velocity vector field V(x, y).
  3. Use a graphing utility to sketch the streamlines of the flow.
  1. G(z) = z4
    A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a horizontal line passes through the positive horizontal axis from the origin to the extreme right. An increasing line labeled y = x from the origin to the top right forming an acute angle. The region bound by the angle is shaded and labeled R.

    FIGURE 20.6.7 Region R for Problem 9

  2. G(z) = z2/3
    A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a horizontal line passes through the positive horizontal axis from the origin to the extreme right and a vertical line passes through the negative vertical axis from the origin to the bottom. The first, second and third quadrants are shaded and labeled R.

    FIGURE 20.6.8 Region R for Problem 10

  3. G(z) = sin z
    A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a point labeled minus pi over 2 on the negative horizontal axis and a point labeled pi over 2 on the positive horizontal axis. A horizontal line passes through the horizontal axis from minus pi over 2 to pi over 2 and two vertical lines intersecting the horizontal axis at minus pi over 2 and pi over 2, respectively. The region bound by the lines is shaded and labeled R.

    FIGURE 20.6.9 Region R for Problem 11

  4. G(z) = i sin−1z
    A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a point labeled minus 1 on the negative horizontal axis and a point labeled 1 on the positive horizontal axis. Two horizontal lines passes through the horizontal axis from minus 1 to the extreme left and from 1 to the extreme right, respectively. All the four quadrants are shaded and labeled R.

    FIGURE 20.6.10 Region R for Problem 12

  5. G(z) = z2 + 1/z2
    A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a point labeled 1 on the horizontal axis and a point labeled i on the vertical axis. A decreasing curve intersecting the horizontal axis at 1 and the vertical axis at i forming an angle. The exterior of the angle is shaded and labeled R.

    FIGURE 20.6.11 Region R for Problem 13

  6. G(z) = ez
    A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a horizontal line passes through the horizontal axis and a horizontal line intersecting the positive vertical axis at pi i. The region bound by the lines covering both the first and second quadrants are shaded and labeled R.

    FIGURE 20.6.12 Region R for Problem 14

In Problems 15–18, a conformal mapping z = f(w) from the upper half-plane v ≥ 0 to a region R in the z-plane is given and the flow in R with complex potential G(z) = f−1(z) is constructed.

  1. Verify that the boundary of R is a streamline for the flow.
  2. Find a parametric representation for the streamlines of the flow.
  3. Use a graphing utility to sketch the streamlines of the flow.
  1. M-9 in Appendix D
  2. M-4 in Appendix D; use a = 1
  3. M-2 in Appendix D; use a = 1
  4. M-5 in Appendix D
  5. A stagnation point in a flow is a point at which V = 0. Find all stagnation points for the flows in Examples 5 and 6.
  6. For any two real numbers k and x1, the function G(z) = k Ln(zx1) is analytic in the upper half-plane and therefore is a complex potential for a flow. The real number x1 is called a sink when k < 0 and a source for the flow when k > 0.
    1. Show that the streamlines are rays emanating from x1.
    2. Show that V = (k/zx12)(zx1) and conclude that the flow is directed toward x1 precisely when k < 0.
  7. If f(z) is a conformal mapping from a domain D onto the upper half-plane, a flow with a source at a point ξ0 on the boundary of D is defined by the complex potential G(z) = k Ln(f(z) − f(ξ0)), where k > 0. Determine the streamlines for a flow in the first quadrant with a source at ξ0 = 1 and k = 1.
    1. Construct a flow on the horizontal strip 0 < y < π with a sink at the boundary point ξ0 = 0. [Hint: See Problem 21.]
    2. Use a graphing utility to sketch the streamlines of the flow.
  8. The complex potential G(z) = k Ln(z − 1) − k Ln(z + 1) with k > 0 gives rise to a flow on the upper half-plane with a single source at z = 1 and a single sink at z = −1. Show that the streamlines are the family of circles x2 + (yc)2 = 1 + c2. See FIGURE 20.6.13.
    A graph. A horizontal line labeled x with two points labeled minus 1 on the left and 1 on the right. The graph also shows a flow of streamlines from minus 1 to 1. The streamlines are the family of circles which gradually take the shape of a circle.

    FIGURE 20.6.13 Streamlines in Problem 23

  9. The flow with velocity vector V = is called a vortex at z = 0, and the geometric nature of the streamlines depends on the choice of a and b.
    1. Show that if z = x(t) + iy(t) is the path of a particle, then


    2. Change to polar coordinates to establish that dr/dt = a/r and /dt = b/r2, and conclude that r = ceaθ/b for b ≠ 0. [Hint: See (2) of Section 11.1.]
    3. Conclude that the logarithmic spirals in part (b) spiral inward if and only if a < 0, and the curves are traversed clockwise if and only if b < 0. See FIGURE 20.6.14.
      A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a spiral curve centered at the origin. The curve starts from the point at the center of the first quadrant to the origin moving anticlockwise.

      FIGURE 20.6.14 Logarithmic spiral in Problem 24


*If F is an electric field, the electric potential function Φ is defined to be −ϕ and F = −∇Φ.