19.4 Zeros and Poles


Suppose that z = z0 is an isolated singularity of a function f and that


is the Laurent series representation of f valid for the punctured open disk 0 < |zz0| < R. We saw in the preceding section that a Laurent series (1) consists of two parts. That part of the series in (1) with negative powers of zz0, namely,


is the principal part of the series. In the discussion that follows we will assign different names to the isolated singularity z = z0 according to the number of terms in the principal part.

Classification of Isolated Singular Points

An isolated singular point z = z0 of a complex function f is given a classification depending on whether the principal part (2) of its Laurent expansion (1) contains zero, a finite number, or an infinite number of terms.

  1. If the principal part is zero, that is, all the coefficients ak in (2) are zero, then z = z0 is called a removable singularity.
  2. If the principal part contains a finite number of nonzero terms, then z = z0 is called a pole. If, in this case, the last nonzero coefficient in (2) is an, n ≥ 1, then we say that z = z0 is a pole of order n. If z = z0 is a pole of order 1, then the principal part (2) contains exactly one term with coefficient a−1. A pole of order 1 is commonly called a simple pole.
  3. If the principal part (2) contains infinitely many nonzero terms, then z = z0 is called an essential singularity.

The following table summarizes the form of the Laurent series for a function f when z = z0 is one of the above types of isolated singularities. Of course, R in the table could be ∞.

A table has two columns and four rows. The column headings are as follows: Column 1, z = z subscript 0. Column 2, Laurent Series. The row entries are as follows: Row 1. z = z subscript 0, Removable singularity. Laurent Series, a subscript 0 plus a subscript 1 (z minus z subscript 0) plus a subscript 2 (z minus z subscript 0)^2 plus … Row 2. z = z subscript 0, Pole of order n. Laurent Series, a subscript minus n over (z minus z subscript 0)^n plus a subscript minus (n minus 1) over (z minus z subscript 0)^n minus 1 plus … plus a subscript minus 1 over z minus z subscript 0 plus a subscript 0 plus a subscript 1 (z minus z subscript 0) plus … Row 3. z = z subscript 0, Simple pole. Laurent Series, a subscript minus 1 over z minus z subscript 0 plus a subscript 0 plus a subscript 1 (z minus z subscript 0) a subscript 2 (z minus z subscript 0)^2 plus … Row 4. z = z subscript 0, Essential singularity. Laurent Series, … plus a subscript minus 2 over (z minus z subscript 0)^2 plus a subscript minus 1 over z minus z subscript 0 plus a subscript 0 plus a subscript 1(z minus z subscript 0) plus a subscript 2 (z minus z subscript 0)^2 plus …

EXAMPLE 1 Removable Discontinuity

Proceeding as we did in (2) of Section 19.3, we see from


that z = 0 is a removable singularity of the function f(z) = (sin z)/z.

If a function f has a removable singularity at the point z = z0, then we can always supply an appropriate definition for the value of f(z0) so that f becomes analytic at the point. For instance, since the right side of (3) is 1 at z = 0, it makes sense to define f(0) = 1. With this definition, the function f(z) = (sin z)/z in Example 1 is now analytic at z = 0.

EXAMPLE 2 Poles and Essential Singularity

(a) From

0 < |z|, we see that a−1 ≠ 0, and so z = 0 is a simple pole of the function f(z) = (sin z)/z2. The function f(z) = (sin z)/z3 represented by the series in (2) of Section 19.3 has a pole of order 2 at z = 0.

(b) In Example 3 of Section 19.3 we showed that the Laurent expansion of f(z) = 1/(z − 1)2(z − 3) valid for 0 < |z − 1| < 2 was

Since a−2 ≠ 0, we conclude that z = 1 is a pole of order 2.

(c) From Example 6 of Section 19.3 we see from the Laurent series that the principal part of the function f(z) = e3/z contains an infinite number of terms. Thus z = 0 is an essential singularity.

In part (b) of Example 2 in Section 19.3, we showed that the Laurent series representation of f(z) = 1/z(z − 1) valid for 1 < |z| is

The point z = 0 is an isolated singularity of f and the Laurent series contains an infinite number of terms involving negative integer powers of z. Does this mean that z = 0 is an essential singularity of f? The answer is “no.” For this particular function, a reexamination of (1) shows that the Laurent series we are interested in is the one with the annular domain 0 < |z| < 1. From part (a) of that same example we saw that

was valid for 0 < |z| < 1. Thus we see that z = 0 is a simple pole.


Recall that z0 is a zero of a function f if f(z0) = 0. An analytic function f has a zero of order n at z = z0 if


A zero of order n is also referred to as a zero of multiplicity n. For example, for we see that but Thus f has a zero of order (or multiplicity) 3 at A zero of order 1 is called a simple zero.

If an analytic function f has a zero of order n at it follows from (4) that the Taylor series expansion of f centered at must have the form


where an ≠ 0.

EXAMPLE 3 Order of a Zero

The analytic function f(z) = z sin z2 has a zero at z = 0. By replacing z by z2 in (13) of Section 19.2, we obtain

and so

Comparing the last result with (5) we see that z = 0 is a zero of order 3.

A zero z0 of a nontrivial analytic function f is isolated in the sense that there exists some neighborhood of z0 for which f(z) ≠ 0 at every point z in that neighborhood except at z = z0. As a consequence, if z0 is a zero of a nontrivial analytic function f , then the function 1/f(z) has an isolated singularity at the point z = z0. The following result enables us, in some circumstances, to determine the poles of a function by inspection.

THEOREM 19.4.1 Pole of Order n

If the functions f and g are analytic at z = z0 and f has a zero of order n at z = z0 and g(z0) ≠ 0, then the function F(z) = g(z)/f(z) has a pole of order n at z = z0.

EXAMPLE 4 Order of Poles

(a) Inspection of the rational function

shows that the denominator has zeros of order 1 at z = 1 and z = −5, and a zero of order 4 at z = 2. Since the numerator is not zero at these points, it follows from Theorem 19.4.1 that F has simple poles at z = 1 and z = −5, and a pole of order 4 at z = 2.

(b) In Example 3 we saw that z = 0 is a zero of order 3 of f(z) = z sin z2. From Theorem 19.4.1, we conclude that the function F(z) = 1/(z sin z2) has a pole of order 3 at z = 0.

From the preceding discussion, it should be intuitively clear that if a function has a pole at z = z0, then |f(z)| → ∞ as zz0 from any direction.

19.4 Exercises Answers to selected odd-numbered problems begin on page ANS-48.

In Problems 1 and 2, show that z = 0 is a removable singularity of the given function. Supply a definition of f(0) so that f is analytic at z = 0.

  1. f(z) =
  2. f(z) =

In Problems 3–8, determine the zeros and their orders for the given function.

  1. f(z) = (z + 2 − i)2
  2. f(z) = z4 − 16
  3. f(z) = z4 + z2
  4. f(z) = z +
  5. f(z) = e2zez
  6. f(z) = sin2z

In Problems 9–12, the indicated number is a zero of the given function. Use a Maclaurin or Taylor series to determine the order of the zero.

  1. f(z) = z(1 − cos z2); z = 0
  2. f(z) = z − sin z; z = 0
  3. f(z) = 1 − ez−1; z = 1
  4. f(z) = 1 − πi + z + ez; z = πi

In Problems 13–24, determine the order of the poles for the given function.

  1. f(z) =
  2. f(z) = 5 −
  3. f(z) =
  4. f(z) =
  5. f(z) = tan z
  6. f(z) =
  7. f(z) =
  8. f(z) =
  9. f(z) =
  10. Determine whether z = 0 is an isolated or nonisolated singularity of f(z) = tan (1/z).
  11. Show that z = 0 is an essential singularity of f(z) = z3 sin (1/z).