18.3 Independence of Path


In real calculus when a function f possesses an elementary antiderivative, that is, a function F for which F′(x) = f(x), a definite integral can be evaluated by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus:


Note that (x) dx depends only on the numbers a and b at the initial and terminal points of the interval of integration. In contrast, the value of a real-line integral ∫C P dx + Q dy generally depends on the curve C. However, we saw in Section 9.9 that there exist line integrals whose value depends only on the initial point A and terminal point B of the curve C, and not on C itself. In this case we say that the line integral is independent of the path. These integrals can be evaluated by the Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals (Theorem 9.9.1). It seems natural then to ask:

Is there a complex version of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus?

Can a contour integral be independent of the path?

In this section we will see that the answer to both of these questions is “yes.”

Path Independence

As the next definition shows, the definition of path independence for a contour integral ∫Cf(z) dz is essentially the same as for a real-line integral ∫C P dx + Q dy.

DEFINITION 18.3.1 Independence of Path

Let z0 and z1 be points in a domain D. A contour integral ∫C f(z) dz is said to be independent of the path if its value is the same for all contours C in D with an initial point z0 and a terminal point z1.

At the end of the preceding section we noted that the Cauchy–Goursat theorem also holds for closed contours, not just simple closed contours, in a simply connected domain D. Now suppose, as shown in FIGURE 18.3.1, that C and C1 are two contours in a simply connected domain D, both with initial point z0 and terminal point z1. Note that C and −C1 form a closed contour. Thus, if f is analytic in D, it follows from the Cauchy–Goursat theorem that


An image with two mirrored S-shaped curves. The left curve, labeled C subscript 1, is S-shaped and the right curve, labeled C, is its mirror image. Both curves are tilted toward the right and are in the domain, D. They start a point labeled z subscript 0 and end at a point labeled z subscript 1.

FIGURE 18.3.1 If f is analytic in D, integrals on C and C1 are equal

But (2) is equivalent to


The result in (3) is also an example of the principle of deformation of contours introduced in (3) of Section 18.2. We summarize the last result as a theorem.

THEOREM 18.3.1 Analyticity Implies Path Independence

If f is an analytic function in a simply connected domain D, then ∫C f(z) dz is independent of the path C.

EXAMPLE 1 Choosing a Different Path

Evaluate ∫C 2z dz, where C is the contour with initial point z = −1 and terminal point z = −1 + i shown in FIGURE 18.3.2.

A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph has a point labeled minus 1 plus i in the second quadrant and a point labeled minus 1 on the negative horizontal axis. A rising left arrow from the positive horizontal axis and an upward arrow from the (negative 1, 0) meet at 1 plus i. A curved rightward arrow from (negative 1, 0) intersects the positive horizontal axis after passing through the third quadrant and V I.

FIGURE 18.3.2 Contour in Example 1


Since the function f(z) = 2z is entire, we can replace the path C by any convenient contour C1 joining z = −1 and z = −1 + i. In particular, by choosing C1 to be the straight line segment x = −1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1, shown in red in Figure 18.3.2, we have z = −1 + iy, dz = i dy. Therefore,

A contour integral ∫C f(z) dz that is independent of the path C is usually written (z) dz, where z0 and z1 are the initial and terminal points of C. Hence in Example 1 we can write dz.

There is an easier way to evaluate the contour integral in Example 1, but before proceeding we need another definition.

DEFINITION 18.3.2 Antiderivative

Suppose f is continuous in a domain D. If there exists a function F such that F′(z) = f(z) for each z in D, then F is called an antiderivative of f.

For example, the function F(z) = −cos z is an antiderivative of f(z) = sin z, since F′(z) = sin z. As in real calculus, the most general antiderivative, or indefinite integral, of a function f(z) is written ∫ f(z) dz = F(z) + C, where F′(z) = f(z) and C is some complex constant.

Since an antiderivative F of a function f has a derivative at each point in a domain D, it is necessarily analytic and hence continuous in D (recall that differentiability implies continuity).

We are now in a position to prove the complex analogue of (1).

THEOREM 18.3.2 Fundamental Theorem for Contour Integrals

Suppose f is continuous in a domain D and F is an antiderivative of f in D. Then for any contour C in D with initial point z0 and terminal point z1,



We will prove (4) in the case when C is a smooth curve defined by z = z(t), atb. Using (3) of Section 18.1 and the fact that F′(z) = f(z) for each z in D, we have

EXAMPLE 2 Using an Antiderivative

In Example 1 we saw that the integral ∫C 2z dz, where C is shown in Figure 18.3.2, is independent of the path. Now since f(z) = 2z is an entire function, it is continuous. Moreover, F(z) = z2 is an antiderivative of f, since F′(z) = 2z. Hence by (4) we have

EXAMPLE 3 Using an Antiderivative

Evaluate ∫C cos z dz, where C is any contour with initial point z = 0 and terminal point z = 2 + i.


F(z) = sin z is an antiderivative of f(z) = cos z, since F′(z) = cos z. Therefore from (4) we have

If we desired a complex number of the form a + bi for an answer, we can use sin(2 + i) = 1.4031 − 0.4891i (see Example 1 in Section 17.7). Hence,

We can draw several immediate conclusions from Theorem 18.3.2. First, observe that if the contour C is closed, then z0 = z1 and consequently


Next, since the value of ∫C f(z) dz depends on only the points z0 and z1, this value is the same for any contour C in D connecting these points. In other words:

If a continuous function f has an antiderivative F in D, then is independent of the path. (6)

In addition we have the following sufficient condition for the existence of an antiderivative:

If f is continuous and is independent of the path in a domain D, then f has an antiderivative everywhere in D. (7)

The last statement is important and deserves a proof. Assume that f is continuous, ∫C f(z) dz is independent of the path in a domain D, and F is a function defined by F(z) = (s) ds where s denotes a complex variable, z0 is a fixed point in D, and z represents any point in D. We wish to show that F′(z) = f(z); that is, F is an antiderivative of f in D. Now,


Because D is a domain we can choose Δz so that z + Δz is in D. Moreover, z and z + Δz can be joined by a straight segment lying in D, as shown in FIGURE 18.3.3. This is the contour we use in the last integral in (8). With z fixed, we can write*


An image has a falling line intersecting three consecutive points labeled z, s, and z plus delta z. A curved line connects the point z to point z subscript 0 on the bottom left. The lines lie in the domain D.

FIGURE 18.3.3 Contour used in proof of (7)

From (8) and (9) it follows that

Now f is continuous at the point z. This means that for any ϵ > 0 there exists a δ > 0 so that |f(s) − f(z)| < ϵ whenever |sz| < δ. Consequently, if we choose Δ z so that |Δ z| < δ, we have

Hence, we have shown that

If f is an analytic function in a simply connected domain D, it is necessarily continuous throughout D. This fact, when put together with the results in Theorem 18.3.1 and (7), leads to a theorem that states that an analytic function possesses an analytic antiderivative.

THEOREM 18.3.3 Existence of an Antiderivative

If f is analytic in a simply connected domain D, then f has an antiderivative in D; that is, there exists a function F such that F′(z) = f(z) for all z in D.

In (9) of Section 17.6 we saw that 1/z is the derivative of Ln z. This means that under some circumstances Ln z is an antiderivative of 1/z. Care must be exercised in using this result. For example, suppose D is the entire complex plane without the origin. The function 1/z is analytic in this multiply connected domain. If C is any simple closed contour containing the origin, it does not follow from (5) that dz/z = 0. In fact, from (4) of Section 18.2 with the identification z0 = 0, we see that

In this case, Ln z is not an antiderivative of 1/z in D, since Ln z is not analytic in D. Recall that Ln z fails to be analytic on the nonpositive real axis (the branch cut off the principal branch of the logarithm).

EXAMPLE 4 Using the Logarithmic Function

Evaluate dz, where C is the contour shown in FIGURE 18.3.4.

A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a point labeled 3 on the horizontal axis and a point labeled 2 i on the vertical axis. A curve, labeled C, moves from point 3 to point 2 i.

FIGURE 18.3.4 Contour in Example 4


Suppose that D is the simply connected domain defined by x = Re(z) > 0, y = Im(z) > 0. In this case, Ln z is an antiderivative of 1/z, since both these functions are analytic in D. Hence by (4),

From (7) of Section 17.6, we have

and so


Suppose f and g are analytic in a simply connected domain D that contains the contour C. If z0 and z1 are the initial and terminal points of C, then the integration by parts formula is valid in D:

This can be proved in a straightforward manner using Theorem 18.3.2 on the function (d/dz)(fg). See Problems 21–24 in Exercises 18.3.

18.3 Exercises Answers to selected odd-numbered problems begin on page ANS-46.

In Problems 1 and 2, evaluate the given integral, where C is the contour given in the figure, by (a) finding an alternative path of integration and (b) using Theorem 18.3.2.

  1. (4z − 1) dz
    A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a point labeled i on the positive vertical axis and a point labeled minus i on the negative vertical axis. The graph also shows a curve, mod z = 1, moving from minus i to the positive horizontal axis. The curve then transforms into a straight line and moves from the positive horizontal axis to the point i.

    FIGURE 18.3.5 Contour in Problem 1

  2. ez dz
    A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a 0 at the origin, a point 3 + i on its top left, and a point 3 plus i on its bottom left. A line originates at the origin, moves along the vertical axis, then turns right 90 degrees, moves horizontally till point 3 + 3 i, then turns 90 degrees, and moves downward till point 3 + i.

    FIGURE 18.3.6 Contour in Problem 2

In Problems 3 and 4, evaluate the given integral along the indicated contour C.

  1. 2z dz, where C is z(t) = 2t3 + i(t4 − 4t3 + 2), −1 ≤ t ≤ 1
  2. 6z2 dz, where C is z(t) = 2 cos3πti sin2 t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2

In Problems 5–24, use Theorem 18.3.2 to evaluate the given integral. Write each answer in the form a + ib.

  1. dz, C is the arc of the circle z = 4eit, −π/2 ≤ tπ/2
  2. dz, C is the straight line segment between z = 1 + i and z = 4 + 4i
  3. dz, C is any contour not passing through the origin
  4. dz, C is any contour in the right half-plane Re(z) > 0


*See Problem 29 in Exercises 18.1.