18.2 Cauchy–Goursat Theorem


In this section we shall concentrate on contour integrals where the contour C is a simple closed curve with a positive (counterclockwise) orientation. Specifically, we shall see that when f is analytic in a special kind of domain D, the value of the contour integral f(z) dz is the same for any simple closed curve C that lies entirely within D. This theorem, called the Cauchy–Goursat theorem, is one of the fundamental results in complex analysis. Preliminary to discussing the Cauchy–Goursat theorem and some of its ramifications, we first need to distinguish two kinds of domains in the complex plane: simply connected and multiply connected.

Simply and Multiply Connected Domains

In the discussion that follows, we shall concentrate on contour integrals where the contour C is a simple closed curve with a positive (counterclockwise) orientation. Before doing this, we need to distinguish two kinds of domains. A domain D is said to be simply connected if every simple closed contour C lying entirely in D can be shrunk to a point without leaving D. In other words, in a simply connected domain, every simple closed contour C lying entirely within it encloses only points of the domain D. Expressed yet another way, a simply connected domain has no “holes” in it. The entire complex plane is an example of a simply connected domain. A domain that is not simply connected is called a multiply connected domain; that is, a multiply connected domain has “holes” in it. See FIGURE 18.2.1. As in Section 9.9, we call a domain with one “hole” doubly connected, a domain with two “holes” triply connected, and so on.

Two images. The first image shows a closed curve moving anticlockwise inside domain, D. The second image shows two small closed curves moving anticlockwise inside domain, D. The top left curve is around a hole. The domain, D, also has a hole but does not have a curve around it.

FIGURE 18.2.1 Two kinds of domains

Cauchy’s Theorem

In 1825, the French mathematician Louis-Augustin Cauchy proved one of the most important theorems in complex analysis. Cauchy’s theorem says:

Suppose that a function f is analytic in a simply connected domain D and that f′ is continuous in D. Then for every simple closed contour C in D,

The proof of this theorem is an immediate consequence of Green’s theorem and the Cauchy–Riemann equations. Since f′ is continuous throughout D, the real and imaginary parts of f(z) = u + iv and their first partial derivatives are continuous throughout D. By (2) of Section 18.1 we write f(z) dz in terms of real-line integrals and use Green’s theorem on each line integral:


Now since f is analytic, the Cauchy–Riemann equations, ∂u/∂x = ∂v/∂y and ∂u/∂y = −∂v/∂x, imply that the integrands in (1) are identically zero. Hence, we have f(z) dz = 0.

In 1883, the French mathematician Edouard Goursat (1858–1936) proved Cauchy’s theorem without the assumption of continuity of f′ . The resulting modified version of Cauchy’s theorem is known as the Cauchy–Goursat theorem.

THEOREM 18.2.1 Cauchy–Goursat Theorem

Suppose a function f is analytic in a simply connected domain D. Then for every simple closed contour C in D, f(z) dz = 0.

Since the interior of a simple closed contour is a simply connected domain, the Cauchy–Goursat theorem can be stated in the slightly more practical manner:

If f is analytic at all points within and on a simple closed contour C, then (2)

EXAMPLE 1 Applying the Cauchy–Goursat Theorem

Evaluate ez dz, where C is the curve shown in FIGURE 18.2.2.

A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a simple closed curve moving anticlockwise labeled C. The curve loosely resembles the number 8 and is tilted toward the left.

FIGURE 18.2.2 Contour in Example 1


The function f(z) = ez is entire and C is a simple closed contour. It follows from the form of the Cauchy–Goursat theorem given in (2) that .

EXAMPLE 2 Applying the Cauchy–Goursat Theorem

Evaluate , where C is the ellipse (x − 2)2 + = 1.


The rational function f(z) = 1/z2 is analytic everywhere except at z = 0. But z = 0 is not a point interior to or on the contour C. Thus, from (2) we have .

EXAMPLE 3 Applying the Cauchy–Goursat Theorem

Given the flow f(z) = , compute the circulation around and net flux across C, where C is the square with vertices z = 1, z = i, z = −1, and z = −i.


We must compute dz = cos z dz and then take the real and imaginary parts of the integral to find the circulation and net flux, respectively. The function cos z is analytic everywhere, and so dz = 0 from (2). The circulation and net flux are therefore both 0. FIGURE 18.2.3 shows the flow f(z) = and the contour C.

A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a point on the positive horizontal axis labeled 1, a point on the negative horizontal axis labeled minus 1, a point on the positive vertical axis labeled i, and a point on the negative vertical axis labeled minus i. All points are joined forming a rhombus. The graph shows numerous curved arrows entering from the second and the third quadrant and leaving from the first and the fourth quadrant, respectively.

FIGURE 18.2.3 Flow f(z) =

Cauchy–Goursat Theorem for Multiply Connected Domains

If f is analytic in a multiply connected domain D, then we cannot conclude that f(z) dz = 0 for every simple closed contour C in D. To begin, suppose D is a doubly connected domain and C and C1 are simple closed contours such that C1 surrounds the “hole” in the domain and is interior to C. See FIGURE 18.2.4(a). Suppose, also, that f is analytic on each contour and at each point interior to C but exterior to C1. When we introduce the cut AB shown in Figure 18.2.4(b), the region bounded by the curves is simply connected. Now the integral from A to B has the opposite value of the integral from B to A, and so from (2) we have f(z) dz + f(z) dz = 0 or


Two images. The first image shows two closed curves labeled C and C subscript 1 moving anticlockwise. C subscript 1 is around a hole in the domain, D, and is inside the larger closed curve, C. C runs around the circumference of D. The second image shows two closed curves labeled C and B moving anticlockwise and clockwise, respectively. B is around a hole in the domain, D, and is inside the larger closed curve, C. C runs around the circumference of D. A point A is marked on C and a double headed arrow connects it with B.

FIGURE 18.2.4 Doubly connected domain D

The last result is sometimes called the principle of deformation of contours, since we can think of the contour C1 as a continuous deformation of the contour C. Under this deformation of contours, the value of the integral does not change. Thus, on a practical level, (3) allows us to evaluate an integral over a complicated simple closed contour by replacing that contour with one that is more convenient.

EXAMPLE 4 Applying Deformation of Contours

Evaluate , where C is the outer contour shown in FIGURE 18.2.5.

A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a point labeled i on the vertical axis and a circle, labeled C subscript 1, with center i passing through the origin and moving anticlockwise. The graph also shows a point labeled 2 plus 3 i in the first quadrant, a point labeled 4 i on the positive vertical axis, a point labeled minus 2 plus 4 i in the second quadrant, a point labeled minus 2 on the negative horizontal axis, a point labeled minus 2 i on the negative vertical axis, and a point labeled 2 minus 2 i in quadrant VI. All the points are joined with straight lines forming a polygon labeled C, with anticlockwise arrows on its sides.

FIGURE 18.2.5 We use the simpler contour C1 in Example 4


In view of (3), we choose the more convenient circular contour C1 in the figure. By taking the radius of the circle to be r = 1, we are guaranteed that C1 lies within C. In other words, C1 is the circle |zi| = 1, which can be parameterized by x = cos t, y = 1 + sin t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π, or equivalently by z = i + eit, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π. From zi = eit and dz = ieit dt we obtain

The result in Example 4 can be generalized. Using the principle of deformation of contours (3) and proceeding as in the example, we can show that if z0 is any constant complex number interior to any simple closed contour C, then


The fact that the integral in (4) is zero when n is an integer ≠ 1 follows only partially from the Cauchy–Goursat theorem. When n is zero or a negative integer, 1/(zz0)n is a polynomial (for example, n = −3, 1/(zz0)−3 = (zz0)3) and therefore entire. Theorem 18.2.1 then implies dz/(zz0)n = 0. It is left as an exercise to show that the integral is still zero when n is a positive integer different from one. See Problem 22 in Exercises 18.2.

EXAMPLE 5 Applying Formula (4)

Evaluate where C is the circle |z − 2| = 2.


Since the denominator factors as z2 + 2z − 3 = (z − 1)(z + 3), the integrand fails to be analytic at z = 1 and z = −3. Of these two points, only z = 1 lies within the contour C, which is a circle centered at z = 2 of radius r = 2. Now by partial fractions,

and so (5)

In view of the result given in (4), the first integral in (5) has the value 2πi. By the Cauchy–Goursat theorem, the value of the second integral is zero. Hence, (5) becomes

If C, C1, and C2 are the simple closed contours shown in FIGURE 18.2.6 and if f is analytic on each of the three contours as well as at each point interior to C but exterior to both C1 and C2, then by introducing cuts, we get from Theorem 18.2.1 that f(z) dz + f(z) dz + f(z) dz = 0. Hence,

An image of a closed curve labeled C and two smaller closed curves labeled C subscript 1 and C subscript 2 with arrows moving anticlockwise in a domain, D. C subscript 1 and C subscript 2 are around two holes and are inside the closed curve C.

FIGURE 18.2.6 Triply connected domain D

The next theorem summarizes the general result for a multiply connected domain with n “holes”:

THEOREM 18.2.2 Cauchy–Goursat Theorem for Multiply Connected Domains

Suppose C, C1, . . ., Cn are simple closed curves with a positive orientation such that C1, C2, . . ., Cn are interior to C but the regions interior to each Ck, k = 1, 2, . . ., n, have no points in common. If f is analytic on each contour and at each point interior to C but exterior to all the Ck, k = 1, 2, . . ., n, then


EXAMPLE 6 Applying Theorem 18.2.2

Evaluate where C is the circle |z| = 3.


In this case the denominator of the integrand factors as z2 + 1 = (zi)(z + i). Consequently, the integrand 1/(z2 + 1) is not analytic at z = i and z = −i. Both of these points lie within the contour C. Using partial fraction decomposition once more, we have


We now surround the points z = i and z = −i by circular contours C1 and C2, respectively, that lie entirely within C. Specifically, the choice |zi| = for C1 and |z + i| = for C2 will suffice. See FIGURE 18.2.7. From Theorem 18.2.2 we can then write


A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a point on the positive vertical axis labeled i and a point on the negative vertical axis labeled minus i. The points are surrounded by two small circles labeled C subscript 1 and C subscript 2, respectively, that lie entirely within a big circle labeled C. All circles have anticlockwise arrows on them.

FIGURE 18.2.7 Contour in Example 6

Because 1/(z + i) is analytic on C1 and at each point in its interior and because 1/(zi) is analytic on C2 and at each point in its interior, it follows from (4) that the second and third integrals in (7) are zero. Moreover, it follows from (4), with n = 1, that

Thus (7) becomes


Throughout the foregoing discussion we assumed that C was a simple closed contour; in other words, C did not intersect itself. Although we shall not give the proof, it can be shown that the Cauchy–Goursat theorem is valid for any closed contour C in a simply connected domain D. As shown in FIGURE 18.2.8, the contour C is closed but not simple. Nevertheless, if f is analytic in D, then f(z) dz = 0.

An image of a self-intersecting closed curve labeled C inside a domain, D. The curve resembles number 8 with a small circle on its top right. The curve has arrows on it.

FIGURE 18.2.8 Contour C is closed but not simple

18.2 Exercises Answers to selected odd-numbered problems begin on page ANS-46.

In Problems 1–8, prove that f(z) dz = 0, where f is the given function and C is the unit circle |z| = 1.

  1. f(z) = z3 − 1 + 3i
  2. f(z) = z2 +
  3. f(z) =
  4. f(z) =
  5. f(z) =
  6. f(z) =
  7. f(z) = tan z
  8. f(z) =
  9. Evaluate where C is the contour shown in FIGURE 18.2.9.
    A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a point on the positive horizontal axis labeled 2. A line from 2 intersects all the axes and passes through all the quadrants forming a rhombus, labeled C.

    FIGURE 18.2.9 Contour in Problem 9

  10. Evaluate where C is the contour shown in FIGURE 18.2.10.
    A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph shows a simple closed curve like a square with curved edges centered at the origin. It is labeled C in the second quadrant and x^4 plus y^4 = 16 in the first quadrant.

    FIGURE 18.2.10 Contour in Problem 10

In Problems 11–20, use any of the results in this section to evaluate the given integral along the indicated closed contour(s).

  1. (a) |z| = , (b) |z| = 2, (c) |z − 3i| = 1
  2. (a) |z| = 1, (b) |z − 2i| = 1, (c) |z| = 4
  3. (a) |z − 5| = 2, (b) |z| = 9
  4. (a) |z| = 5, (b) |z − 2i| =
  5. Evaluate where C is the closed contour shown in FIGURE 18.2.11. [Hint: Express C as the union of two closed curves C1 and C2.]
    A graph. The horizontal axis is labeled x and the vertical axis is labeled y. The graph has a point on the positive horizontal axis labeled 1. The graph also has a self-intersecting closed curve labeled C, which passes through all quadrants and intersects itself on the positive horizontal axis. The curve loosely resembles the infinity symbol.

    FIGURE 18.2.11 Contour in Problem 21

  6. Suppose z0 is any constant complex number interior to any simple closed contour C. Show that

In Problems 23 and 24, evaluate the given integral by any means.

  1. C is the unit circle |z| = 1
  2. (z3 + z2 + Re(z)) dz, C is the triangle with vertices z = 0, z = 1 + 2i, z = 1