13.4 Wave Equation


We are now in a position to solve the boundary-value problem (11) discussed in Section 13.2. The vertical displacement u(x, t) of a string of length L that is freely vibrating in the vertical plane shown in Figure 13.2.2(a) is determined from




Solution of the BVP

With the usual assumption that u(x, t) = X(x)T(t), separating variables in (1) gives

so that (4)


As in Section 13.3, the boundary conditions (2) translate into X(0) = 0 and X(L) = 0. The ODE in (4) along with these boundary conditions is the regular Sturm–Liouville problem


Of the usual three possibilities for the parameter λ: λ = 0, λ = –α2 < 0, and λ = α2 > 0, only the last choice leads to nontrivial solutions. Corresponding to λ = α2, α > 0, the general solution of (4) is

X(0) = 0 and X(L) = 0 indicate that c1 = 0 and c2 sin αL = 0. The last equation again implies that αL = or α = /L. The eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions of (6) are λn = n2π2/L2 and X(x) = c2 sin x, n = 1, 2, 3, … . The general solution of the second-order equation (5) is then

By rewriting c2c3 as An and c2c4 as Bn, solutions that satisfy both the wave equation (1) and boundary conditions (2) are


and (8)

Setting t = 0 in (8) and using the initial condition u(x, 0) = f(x) gives

Since the last series is a half-range expansion for f in a sine series, we can write An = bn:


To determine Bn we differentiate (8) with respect to t and then set t = 0:

In order for this last series to be the half-range sine expansion of the initial velocity g on the interval, the total coefficient Bnnπa/L must be given by the form bn in (5) of Section 12.3—that is,


from which we obtain


The solution of the boundary-value problem (1)–(3) consists of the series (8) with coefficients An and Bn defined by (9) and (10), respectively.

We note that when the string is released from rest, then g(x) = 0 for every x in the interval [0, L] and consequently Bn = 0.

Plucked String

A special case of the boundary-value problem in (1)–(3) is the model of a plucked string. When a string is plucked, a point on the string at is raised to a height h above the x-axis so that its initial shape is given by the graph of a function of the form

The point is released from rest at See Figure 13.2.4 and Problems 7 and 8 in Exercises 13.4. We can see the motion of the string by plotting the solution or displacement for increasing values of time and using the animation feature of a CAS. Some frames of a “movie” generated in this manner are given in FIGURE 13.4.1; the initial shape of the string is given in Figure 13.4.1(a). You are asked to emulate the results given in the figure by plotting a sequence of partial sums of (8). See Problem 27 in Exercises 13.4.

Graph (a) labeled t = 0 initial shape, begins at the point (0, 0), peaks at (1.5, 1) and ends at (3, 0). Graph (b) labeled t = 0.2, begins at the point (0, 0) rises to (1, 0.75) remains steady till (2.25, 0.75) and ends at (3, 0). Graph (c) labeled t = 0.7 begins at the point (0, 0) drops to (0.4, negative 0.4) remains steady till (2.6, negative 0.4) and ends at (3.2, 0). Graph (d) labeled t = 1.0 begins at the point (0, 0) drops to (1.5, negative 1) and ends at (3.2, 0). Graph (e) labeled t = 1.6 begins at the point (0, 0) rises to (0.2, 0.2) remains steady till (2.8, 0.2) and ends at (3.2, 0). Graph (f) labeled t = 1.9 begins at the point (0, 0) rises to (1.2, 0.8) remains steady till (1.8, 0.8) and ends at (3.2, 0). All values are estimated.

FIGURE 13.4.1 Frames of plucked-string “movie”

Standing Waves

Recall from the derivation of the wave equation in Section 13.2 that the constant a appearing in the solution of the boundary-value problem in (1) – (3) is given by , where ρ is mass per unit length and T is the magnitude of the tension in the string. When T is large enough, the vibrating string produces a musical sound. This sound is the result of standing waves. The solution (8) is a superposition of product solutions called standing waves or normal modes:

u(x, t) = u1(x, t) + u2(x, t) + u3(x, t) + .

In view of (6) and (7) of Section 3.8, the product solutions (7) can be written as


where Cn = and øn is defined by sin øn = An/Cn and cos øn = Bn/Cn. For n = 1, 2, 3, … the standing waves are essentially the graphs of sin(nπx/L), with a time-varying amplitude given by

Alternatively, we see from (11) that at a fixed value of x each product function un(x, t) represents simple harmonic motion with amplitude Cnsin(nπx/L) and frequency fn = na/2L. In other words, each point on a standing wave vibrates with a different amplitude but with the same frequency. When n = 1,

is called the first standing wave, the first normal mode, or the fundamental mode of vibration. The first three standing waves, or normal modes, are shown in FIGURE 13.4.2. The dashed graphs represent the standing waves at various values of time. The points in the interval (0, L), for which sin(/L)x = 0, correspond to points on a standing wave where there is no motion. These points are called nodes. For example, in Figures 13.4.2(b) and (c) we see that the second standing wave has one node at L/2 and the third standing wave has two nodes at L/3 and 2L/3. In general, the nth normal mode of vibration has n – 1 nodes.

Part (a) labeled first standing wave consists of four waves with two nodes 0 and L on an x axis. From top to down they are as follows. The first wave is above the x axis and marked out in blue. The second wave is above the x axis but below the first curve. The third wave is symmetrical to the second wave with respect to the x axis. The fourth wave is symmetrical to the first wave with respect to the x axis. The waves 2, 3, and 4 are marked out in dotted line. Part (b) labeled second standing wave consists of four waves with three nodes 0, L over 2 and L on the x axis. From top to down they are as follows. The first wave begins at 0 rises above the x axis passes through L over 2, then drops below the x axis and ends at L. The second wave follows the same as pattern as the first wave but remains below it at all times. The third wave is symmetrical to the second wave with respect to the x axis. The fourth wave is symmetrical to the first wave with respect to the x axis. The waves 2, 3, and 4 are marked out in dotted line. The point L over 2 is indicated by an arrow and labeled node. Part (c) labeled third standing wave consists of four waves with four nodes 0, L over 3, 2L over 3 and L on the x axis. From top to down they are as follows. The first wave begins at 0 drops below the x axis passes through L over 3 rises above the x axis, passes through 2 L over 3 drops below the x axis and ends at L. The second wave follows the same as pattern as the first wave but remains below it at all times. The third wave is symmetrical to the second wave with respect to the x axis. The fourth wave is symmetrical to the first wave with respect to the x axis. The waves 2, 3, and 4 are marked out in dotted line. The point L over 3 and 2 L over 3 are indicated by arrows and labeled nodes.

FIGURE 13.4.2 First three standing waves

The frequency

of the first normal mode is called the fundamental frequency or first harmonic and is directly related to the pitch produced by a stringed instrument. It is apparent that the greater the tension on the string, the higher the pitch of the sound. The frequencies fn of the other normal modes, which are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency, are called overtones. The second harmonic is the first overtone, and so on.

Superposition Principle

The superposition principle, Theorem 13.1.1, is the key in making the method of separation of variables an effective means of solving certain kinds of boundary-value problems involving linear partial differential equations. Sometimes a problem can also be solved by using a superposition of solutions of two easier problems. If we can solve each of the problems,


then a solution of (1)–(3) is given by u(x, t) = u1(x, t) + u2(x, t). To see this we know that u(x, t) = u1(x, t) + u2(x, t) is a solution of the homogeneous equation in (1) because of Theorem 13.1.1. Moreover, u(x, t) satisfies the boundary condition (2) and the initial conditions (3) because, in turn,


You are encouraged to try this method to obtain (8), (9), and (10). See Problems 5 and 14 in Exercises 13.4.


Perhaps you are aware that a troop of soldiers is instructed to break stride, that is, not move in unison, when crossing a long suspension bridge. On April 12, 1831, the Broughton Suspension Bridge in England collapsed while a company of soldiers marched in step across it. On April 16, 1850, the suspension bridge in Angers, France, collapsed as a battalion of soldiers was marching in step across it. There were many injuries but no fatalities in the Broughton bridge collapse, whereas there were 226 persons killed in the Angers bridge collapse. Both collapses were blamed on mechanical resonance between the frequency of the natural vibrations of the bridge and the frequency of the vibrational force of the many feet applied to the bridge in unison.

For a mathematical model for the oscillations of a suspension bridge under an external force, similar to the boundary-value problem in (1), (2), and (3), see Chapter 14 in the text Topics in Mathematical Modeling by K. K. Tung (Princeton University Press, 2007).

A photo of the legs of soliders marching in uniform.

© goja1/Shutterstock

Soldiers marching in step

A bridge is shown in the illustration.

Salford Local History Library, retrieved from: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Broughton-suspension-bridge.jpg

Rebuilt Broughton Suspension Bridge

A port is shown in the illustration.

Retrieved from: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pont1839.jpg

Angers Suspension Bridge

13.4 ExercisesAnswers to selected odd-numbered problems begin on page ANS-34.

In Problems 1–6, solve the wave equation (1) subject to the given conditions.

In Problems 7–10, a string is secured to the x-axis at x = 0 and at x = L and its initial displacement u(x, 0) = f(x), 0 < x < L, is shown in the figure. Find u(x, t) if the string is released from rest.

  1. A string is secured to the x axis at x = 0 and x = L in an x, f(x) coordinate plane. The string is lifted from the point L over 2 on the x axis to a height h.

    FIGURE 13.4.3 Initial displacement for Problem 7

  2. A string is secured to the x axis at x = 0 and x = L in an x, f(x) coordinate plane. The string is lifted from the point L over 3 on the x axis to a height h.

    FIGURE 13.4.4 Initial displacement for Problem 8

  3. A string is secured to the x axis at x = 0 and x = L in an x, f(x) coordinate plane. The string is lifted from the point L over 3 and 2l over 3 on the x axis to a height h.

    FIGURE 13.4.5 Initial displacement for Problem 9

  4. A string is secured to the x axis at x = 0 and x = L in an x, f(x) coordinate plane. The string is lifted from the point L over 3 on the x axis to a height h and dropped from the point 2 L over 3 on the on the x axis to a height -h.

    FIGURE 13.4.6 Initial displacement for Problem 10

  5. The longitudinal displacement of a vibrating elastic bar shown in FIGURE 13.4.7 satisfies the wave equation (1) and the conditions

    The boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = 0 are called free-end conditions. Find the displacement u(x, t).

    A vibrating elastic bar of length L is plotted on an x axis such that the left end of the bar is at the point 0 and the right end of the bar at the point L. Two vertical lines with an arrow pointing to the right above the center portion of the bar are labeled u(x, t) and indicate the longitudinal displacement of the elastic bar.

    FIGURE 13.4.7 Elastic bar in Problem 11

  6. A model for the motion of a vibrating string whose ends are allowed to slide on frictionless sleeves attached to the vertical axes x = 0 and x = 0 is given by the wave equation (1) and the conditions

    See FIGURE 13.4.8. The boundary conditions indicate that the motion is such that the slope of the curve is zero at its ends for t > 0. Find the displacement u(x, t).

    A string is attached to two frictionless sleeves on two vertical lines, one at point 0 and the other at point L on the x axis. The string between the two sleeves begins at a small height, drops lightly and rises again to end at a position higher than the height at which it began.

    FIGURE 13.4.8 String whose ends are attached to frictionless sleeves in Problem 12

  7. In Problem 10, determine the value of u(L/2, t) for t ≥ 0.
  8. Rederive the results given in (8), (9), and (10), but this time use the superposition principle discussed on page 731.
  9. A string stretched along the x-axis and secured at and for is given an initial displacement and released. If the transverse vibrations take place in a medium that imparts a linear damping proportional to the instantaneous velocity, then the wave equation takes on the form

    where is a constant satisfying Find the displacement if the boundary and initial conditions are

  10. Show that a solution of the boundary-value problem


  11. Consider the boundary-value problem given in (1) – (3) of this section. If g(x) = 0 on 0 < x < L, show that the solution of the problem can be written as

    u(x, t) = [f(x + at) + f(xat)].

    [Hint: Use the identity

    2 sin θ1 cos θ2 = sin(θ1 + θ2) + sin(θ1θ2).]

  12. The vertical displacement u(x, t) of an infinitely long string is determined from the initial-value problem


    This problem can be solved without separating variables.

    1. Show that the wave equation can be put into the form 2u/∂η∂ξ = 0 by means of the substitutions ξ = x + at and η = xat.
    2. Integrate the partial differential equation in part (a), first with respect to η and then with respect to ξ, to show that u(x, t) = F(x + at) + G(xat), where F and G are arbitrary twice differentiable functions, is a solution of the wave equation. Use this solution and the given initial conditions to show that


      where x0 is arbitrary and c is a constant of integration.

    3. Use the results in part (b) to show that

      u(x, t) = [f(x + at) + f(xat)] + (s) ds.(14)

      Note that when the initial velocity g(x) = 0 we obtain

      u(x, t) = [f(x + at) + f(xat)], –∞ < x < ∞.

      The last solution can be interpreted as a superposition of two traveling waves, one moving to the right (that is, f(xat)) and one moving to the left ( f(x + at)). Both waves travel with speed a and have the same basic shape as the initial displacement f(x). The form of u(x, t) given in (14) is called d’Alembert’s solution after the French mathematician, physicist, philosopher, and music theorist Jean-Baptiste le Rond d’Alembert (1717–1783).

In Problems 19–21, use d’Alembert’s solution (14) to solve the initial-value problem in Problem 18 subject to the given initial conditions.

  1. f(x) = sin x, g(x) = 1
  2. f(x) = sin x, g(x) = cos x
  3. f(x) = 0, g(x) = sin 2x
  4. Suppose f(x) = 1/(1 + x2), g(x) = 0, and a = 1 for the initial-value problem given in Problem 18. Graph d’Alembert’s solution in this case at the time t = 0, t = 1, and t = 3.
  5. The transverse displacement u(x, t) of a vibrating beam of length L is determined from a fourth-order partial differential equation

    If the beam is simply supported, as shown in FIGURE 13.4.9, the boundary and initial conditions are

    Solve for u(x, t). [Hint: For convenience use λ = α4 when separating variables.]

    A beam is plotted on an x, u coordinate plane and is simply supported at point 0 and point L on the x axis. The beam bends slightly downward towards the center.

    FIGURE 13.4.9 Simply supported beam in Problem 23

Computer Lab Assignments

  1. If the ends of the beam in Problem 23 are embedded at x = 0 and x = L, the boundary conditions become, for t > 0,

    1. Show that the eigenvalues of the problem are λ = /L2 where xn, n = 1, 2, 3, … , are the positive roots of the equation cosh x cos x = 1.
    2. Show graphically that the equation in part (a) has an infinite number of roots.
    3. Use a CAS to find approximations to the first four eigenvalues. Use four decimal places.
  2. A model for an infinitely long string that is initially held at the three points (–1, 0), (1, 0), and (0, 1) and then simultaneously released at all three points at time t = 0 is given by (13) with

    1. Plot the initial position of the string on the interval [–6, 6].
    2. Use a CAS to plot d’Alembert’s solution (14) on [–6, 6] for t = 0.2k, k = 0, 1, 2, … , 25. Assume that a = 1.
    3. Use the animation feature of your computer algebra system to make a movie of the solution. Describe the motion of the string over time.
  3. An infinitely long string coinciding with the x-axis is struck at the origin with a hammer whose head is 0.2 inch in diameter. A model for the motion of the string is given by (13) with

    1. Use a CAS to plot d’Alembert’s solution (14) on [–6, 6] for t = 0.2k, k = 0, 1, 2, … , 25. Assume that a = 1.
    2. Use the animation feature of your computer algebra system to make a movie of the solution. Describe the motion of the string over time.
  4. The model of the vibrating string in Problem 7 is a plucked string.
    1. Use a CAS to plot the partial sum S6(x, t); that is, the first six nonzero terms of your solution u(x, t), for t = 0.1k, k = 0, 1, 2, … , 20. Assume that a = 1, h = 1, and L = π.
    2. Use the animation feature of your computer algebra system to make a movie of the solution to Problem 7.
  5. Consider the vibrating string in Problem 10. Use a CAS to plot the partial sum S6(x, t); that is, the first six nonzero terms of your solution u(x, t) for t = 0.25k, k = 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14. Assume that a = 1, h = 1, and L = π. Then superimpose the eight graphs on the same coordinate system.