11.2 Stability of Linear Systems


We have seen that the plane autonomous system

gives rise to a vector field V(x, y) = (P(x, y), Q(x, y)), and a solution X = X(t) of the system may be interpreted as the resulting path of a particle that is initially placed at position X(0) = X0. If X0 is a critical point of the system, then the particle remains stationary. In this section we examine the behavior of solutions when X0 is chosen close to a critical point of the system.

Some Fundamental Questions

Suppose that X1 is a critical point of a plane autonomous system and X = X(t) is a solution of the system that satisfies X(0) = X0. If the solution is interpreted as a path of a moving particle, we are interested in the answers to the following questions when X0 is placed near X1:

  1. Will the particle return to the critical point? More precisely, if X = X(t) is the solution that satisfies X(0) = X0, is limt→∞ X(t) = X1?
  2. If the particle does not return to the critical point, does it remain close to the critical point or move away from the critical point? It is conceivable, for example, that the particle may simply circle the critical point, or it may even return to a different critical point or to no critical point at all. See FIGURE 11.2.1.
Three images. A. A point X subscript 0. A curve from X subscript 0 goes to a critical point. B. A point X subscript 0. Curve goes around a critical point and comes back to X subscript 0. C. A point X subscript 0. The curve goes to another point, a critical point is away from the curve.

FIGURE 11.2.1 Critical points

If in some neighborhood of the critical point case (a) or (b) in Figure 11.2.1 always occurs, we call the critical point locally stable. If, however, an initial value X0 that results in behavior similar to (c) can be found in any given neighborhood, we call the critical point unstable. These concepts will be made more precise in Section 11.3, where questions (i) and (ii) will be investigated for nonlinear systems.

Stability Analysis

We will first investigate these two stability questions for linear plane autonomous systems and lay the foundation for Section 11.3. The solution methods of Chapter 10 enable us to give a careful geometric analysis of the solutions to


in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the coefficient matrix

Here a, b, c, and d are constants. To ensure that X0 = (0, 0) is the only critical point, we will assume that the determinant Δ = adbc ≠ 0. If τ = a + d is the trace* of matrix A, then the characteristic equation det(A – λI) = 0 can be rewritten as

λ2τλ + Δ = 0.

Therefore the eigenvalues of A are λ = (τ ±)/2, and the usual three cases for these roots occur according to whether τ2 – 4Δ is positive, negative, or zero. In the next example we use a numerical solver to discover the nature of the solutions corresponding to these cases.

EXAMPLE 1 Eigenvalues and the Shape of Solutions

Find the eigenvalues of the linear system

x′ = –x + y

y′ = cxy

in terms of c, and use a numerical solver to discover the shapes of solutions corresponding to the cases c = , 4, 0, and –9.


The coefficient matrix has trace τ = –2 and determinant Δ = 1 – c, and so the eigenvalues are

The nature of the eigenvalues is therefore determined by the sign of c.

If c = , then the eigenvalues are negative and distinct: λ = – and –. In FIGURE 11.2.2(a) we have used a numerical solver to generate solution curves or trajectories that correspond to various initial conditions. Note that, except for the trajectories drawn in red in the figure, the trajectories all appear to approach 0 from a fixed direction. Recall from Chapter 10 that a collection of trajectories in the xy-plane or phase plane is called a phase portrait of the system.

Four graphs show the phase portraits of linear system. The graph (a) titled c equals 1 over 4 has nine curves and two straight lines in the x y plane. Nine curves from all directions end at the origin (0, 0). Two straight lines start from the second and fourth quadrants respectively, and end at the origin (0, 0). The two straight lines are along the same line. The graph (b) titled c equals 4 has seven curves and four straight lines in the x y plane. Of the seven curves, two curves concave leftward start from the top of the second quadrant and end at the bottom of the third quadrant, two curves concave rightward start from the bottom of the fourth quadrant and end at the top of the first quadrant, two curves concave upward start from the top of the second quadrant, goes down and then up to the right, and end at the top of the first quadrant, and one curve concave downward starts from the bottom of the fourth quadrant, goes up and then down to the left, and ends at the bottom of the third quadrant. Of the four straight lines, two straight lines start from the second and fourth quadrants respectively, and end at the origin (0, 0). The two straight lines are along the same line. Two straight lines start from the origin, and exits the third and first quadrants respectively. These two straight lines are along the same line. The graph (c) titled c equals 0 has six curves and a dashed straight line in the x y plane. Six curves from all directions end at the origin (0, 0). The dashed line starts from the left of the third quadrant, goes up and to the right through the origin (0, 0), and exits the right of the first quadrant. The graph (d) titled c equals negative 9 has three curves. These three curves from the first, second, and third quadrants respectively, spiral in, and end at the origin (0, 0).

FIGURE 11.2.2 Phase portraits of linear system in Example 1

When c = 4 the eigenvalues have opposite signs, λ = 1 and –3, and an interesting phenomenon occurs. All trajectories move away from the origin in a fixed direction except for solutions that start along the single line drawn in red in Figure 11.2.2(b). We have already seen behavior like this in the phase portrait given in Figure 10.2.2. Experiment with your numerical solver and verify these observations.

The selection c = 0 leads to a single real eigenvalue λ = –1. This case is very similar to the case c = with one notable exception. All solution curves in Figure 11.2.2(c) appear to approach 0 from a fixed direction as t increases.

Finally, when c = –9, λ = –1 ± = –1 ± 3i. Thus the eigenvalues are conjugate complex numbers with negative real part –1. Figure 11.2.2(d) shows that solution curves spiral in toward the origin 0 as t increases.

The behaviors of the trajectories observed in the four phase portraits in Figure 11.2.2 in Example 1 can be explained using the eigenvalue–eigenvector solution results from Chapter 10.

Case I: Real Distinct Eigenvalues (τ2 – 4Δ > 0)

According to Theorem 10.2.1 in Section 10.2, the general solution of (1) is given by


where λ1 and λ2 are the eigenvalues and K1 and K2 are the corresponding eigenvectors. Note that X(t) can also be written as


(a) Both eigenvalues negative (τ2 – 4Δ > 0, τ < 0, and Δ > 0)

Stable Node2 < λ1 < 0): Since both eigenvalues are negative, it follows from (2) that limt→∞ X(t) = 0. If we assume that λ2 < λ1, then λ2 – λ1 < 0 and so is an exponential decay function. We may therefore conclude from (3) that X(t) ≈ c1K1 for large values of t. When c1 ≠ 0, X(t) will approach 0 from one of the two directions determined by the eigenvector K1 corresponding to λ1. If c1 = 0, X(t) = c2K2 and X(t) approaches 0 along the line determined by the eigenvector K2. FIGURE 11.2.3 shows a collection of solution curves around the origin. A critical point is called a stable node when both eigenvalues are negative.

Two curves and two lines labeled K subscript 1 and K subscript 2 move toward the origin.

FIGURE 11.2.3 Stable node

(b) Both eigenvalues positive (τ2 – 4Δ > 0, τ > 0, and Δ > 0)

Unstable Node (0 < λ2 < λ1): The analysis for this case is similar to (a). Again from (2), X(t) becomes unbounded as t increases. Moreover, again assuming λ2 < λ1 and using (3), we see that X(t) becomes unbounded in one of the directions determined by the eigenvector K1 (when c1 ≠ 0) or along the line determined by the eigenvector K2 (when c1 = 0). FIGURE 11.2.4 shows a typical collection of solution curves. This type of critical point, corresponding to the case when both eigenvalues are positive, is called an unstable node.

Two curves and two lines labeled K subscript 1 and K subscript 2 move away from the origin.

FIGURE 11.2.4 Unstable node

(c) Eigenvalues have opposite signs (τ2 – 4Δ > 0 and Δ < 0)

Saddle Point2 < 0 < λ1): The analysis of the solutions is identical to (b) with one exception. When c1 = 0, X(t) = c2K2 and, since λ2 < 0, X(t) will approach 0 along the line determined by the eigenvector K2. If X(0) does not lie on the line determined by K2, the line determined by K1 serves as an asymptote for X(t). Thus the critical point is unstable even though some solutions approach 0 as t increases. This unstable critical point is called a saddle point. See FIGURE 11.2.5.

A graph with one line that goes toward the origin and another line that goes away from the origin. Curves are graphed going toward and away from the lines, in the four spaces.

FIGURE 11.2.5 Saddle point

EXAMPLE 2 Real Distinct Eigenvalues

Classify the critical point (0, 0) of each of the following linear systems X′ = AX as either a stable node, an unstable node, or a saddle point.

In each case discuss the nature of the solutions in a neighborhood of (0, 0).


(a) Since the trace τ = 3 and the determinant Δ = –4, the eigenvalues are

The eigenvalues have opposite signs, and so (0, 0) is a saddle point. It is not hard to show (see Example 1, Section 10.2) that eigenvectors corresponding to λ1 = 4 and λ2 = –1 are

respectively. If X(0) = X0 lies on the line y = –x, then X(t) approaches 0. For any other initial condition X(t) will become unbounded in the directions determined by K1. In other words, the line y = x serves as an asymptote for all these solution curves. See FIGURE 11.2.6.

A graph of seven curves, two straight lines, and a dashed straight line in the x y plane. Of the seven curves, one curve concave leftward starts from the top of the second quadrant and ends at the bottom of the third quadrant, one curve concave rightward starts from the bottom of the fourth quadrant and ends at the top of the first quadrant, one curve concave rightward start from a point in the fourth quadrant and ends at the top of the first quadrant, one curve concave upward starts from the top of the second quadrant, goes down and then up to the right, and ends at the top of the first quadrant, one curve concave upward start from a point in the second quadrant, goes down and then up to the right, and end at the top of the first quadrant, one curve concave downward starts from the bottom of the fourth quadrant, goes up and then down to the left, and ends at the bottom of the third quadrant, and one curve concave downward starts from a point in the fourth quadrant, goes up and then down to the left, and ends at the bottom of the third quadrant. The two straight lines start from the second and fourth quadrants respectively, and end at the origin (0, 0). The two straight lines are along the same line. The dashed line labeled y equals 2x over 3 starts from the left of the third quadrant, goes up and to the right through the origin (0, 0), and exits the right of the first quadrant.

FIGURE 11.2.6 Saddle point

(b) From τ = –29 and Δ = 100 it follows that the eigenvalues of A are λ1 = –4 and λ2 = –25. Both eigenvalues are negative, and so (0, 0) is in this case a stable node. Since eigenvectors corresponding to λ1 = –4 and λ2 = –25 are

respectively, it follows that all solutions approach 0 from the direction defined by K1 except those solutions for which X(0) = X0 lies on the line y = – x determined by K2. These solutions approach 0 along y = – x. See FIGURE 11.2.7.

A graph of eight curves, two straight lines, and a dashed straight line in the x y plane. Eight curves from all directions end at the origin (0, 0). The two straight lines start from the second and fourth quadrants respectively, and end at the origin (0, 0). The two straight lines are along the same line. The dashed line labeled y equals x starts from the bottom left of the third quadrant, goes up and to the right through the origin (0, 0), and exits the top right of the first quadrant. All the eight curves merge with the dashed line while approaching toward the origin.

FIGURE 11.2.7 Stable node

Case II: A Repeated Real Eigenvalue (τ2 – 4Δ = 0)

Degenerate Nodes: Recall from Section 10.2 that the general solution takes on one of two different forms depending on whether one or two linearly independent eigenvectors can be found for the repeated eigenvalue λ1.

(a) Two linearly independent eigenvectors

If K1 and K2 are two linearly independent eigenvectors corresponding to λ1, then the general solution is given by

If λ1 < 0, then X(t) approaches 0 along the line determined by the vector c1K1 + c2K2 and the critical point is called a degenerate stable node. See FIGURE 11.2.8(a). The arrows in Figure 11.2.8(a) are reversed when λ1 > 0, and we have a degenerate unstable node.

Two graphs. A graph has lines pointing inward to the origin. One line is labeled K subscript 1. Another line is labeled K subscript 2. Another line is labeled c subscript 1 K subscript 1 + c subscript 2 K subscript 2. A graph has a line K subscript 1 that goes inward toward the origin. Parallel curves go toward to the origin.

FIGURE 11.2.8 Degenerate stable nodes

(b) A single linearly independent eigenvector

When only a single linearly independent eigenvector K1 exists, the general solution is given by

where (A – λ1I)P = K1 (see Section 10.2, (12)–(14)), and the solution may be rewritten as

If λ1 < 0, then limt→∞ t= 0 and it follows that X(t) approaches 0 in one of the directions determined by the vector K1 (see Figure 11.2.8(b)). The critical point is again called a degenerate stable node. When λ1 > 0, the solutions look like those in Figure 11.2.8(b) with the arrows reversed. The line determined by K1 is an asymptote for all solutions. The critical point is again called a degenerate unstable node.

Case III: Complex Eigenvalues (τ2 – 4Δ < 0)

If λ1 = α + and 1 = α are the complex eigenvalues and K1 = B1 + iB2 is a complex eigenvector corresponding to λ1, the general solution can be written as X(t) = c1X1(t) + c2X2(t), where

X1(t) = (B1 cos βtB2 sin βt)eαt and X2(t) = (B2 cos βt + B1 sin βt)eαt.

See equations (23) and (24) in Section 10.2. A solution can therefore be written in the form

x(t) = eαt(c11 cos βt + c12 sin βt), y(t) = eαt(c21 cos βt + c22 sin βt),(4)

and when α = 0 we have

x(t) = c11 cos βt + c12 sin βt, y(t) = c21 cos βt + c22 sin βt.(5)

(a) Pure imaginary roots (τ2 – 4Δ < 0, τ = 0)

Center: When α = 0, the eigenvalues are pure imaginary and, from (5), all solutions are periodic with period p = 2π/β. Notice that if both c12 and c21 happened to be 0, then (5) would reduce to

x(t) = c11 cos βt,   y(t) = c22 sin βt,

which is a standard parametric representation for the ellipse x2/ + y2/ = 1. By solving the system of equations in (4) for cos βt and sin βt and using the identity sin2 βt + cos2 βt = 1, it is possible to show that all solutions are ellipses with center at the origin. The critical point (0, 0) is called a center, and FIGURE 11.2.9 shows a typical collection of solution curves. The ellipses are either all traversed in the clockwise direction or all traversed in the counterclockwise direction.

A graph has concentric ellipses with an anticlockwise direction, and their center at the origin.

FIGURE 11.2.9 Center

(b) Nonzero real part (τ2 – 4Δ < 0, τ ≠ 0)

Spiral Points: When α ≠ 0, the effect of the term eαt in (4) is similar to the effect of the exponential term in the analysis of damped motion given in Section 3.8. When α < 0, eαt → 0, and the elliptical-like solution spirals closer and closer to the origin. The critical point is called a stable spiral point. When α > 0, the effect is the opposite. An elliptical-like solution is driven farther and farther from the origin, and the critical point is now called an unstable spiral point. See FIGURE 11.2.10.

Graph (a) has an elliptical spiral graphed on an x y plane. It enters the third quadrant, spirals inward, and ends at the origin. Graph (b) has an elliptical like-spiral graphed on an x y plane. It starts from the first quadrant, spirals outward away from the origin, and exits the third quadrant.

FIGURE 11.2.10 Stable and unstable spiral points

EXAMPLE 3 Repeated and Complex Eigenvalues

Classify the critical point (0, 0) of each of the following linear systems X′ = AX.



In each case discuss the nature of the solution that satisfies X(0) = (1, 0). Determine parametric equations for each solution.


(a) Since τ = –6 and Δ = 9, the characteristic polynomial is λ2 + 6λ + 9 = (λ + 3)2, and so (0, 0) is a degenerate stable node. For the repeated eigenvalue λ = –3 we find a single eigenvector K1 = , and so the solution X(t) that satisfies X(0) = (1, 0) approaches (0, 0) from the direction specified by the line y = x/3.

(b) Since τ = 0 and Δ = 1, the eigenvalues are λ = ±i, and so (0, 0) is a center. The solution X(t) that satisfies X(0) = (1, 0) is an ellipse that circles the origin every 2π units of time.

From Example 4 of Section 10.2 the general solution of the system in part (a) is

The initial condition gives c1 = 0 and c2 = 2, and so x = (6t + 1)e–3t, y = 2te–3t are parametric equations for the solution.

The general solution of the system in part (b) is


The initial condition gives c1 = 0 and c2 = 1, and so x = cos t – sin t, y = –sin t are parametric equations for the ellipse. Note that y < 0 for small positive values of t, and therefore the ellipse is traversed in the clockwise direction.

The solutions of parts (a) and (b) are shown in FIGURES 11.2.11(a) and 11.2.11(b), respectively.

Graph (a) has a curve and a straight line graphed on an x y plane. The curve starts at the point (1, 0), goes up and to the right, then goes down and to the left, and ends at the origin. The straight line starts from the left of the third quadrant, goes up and to the right through the origin (0, 0), and exits the right of the first quadrant. Graph (b) has an ellipse graphed on an x y plane. The ellipse is centered at the origin. It starts from the point (1, 0) marked with a dot, goes down and to the left through the negative y axis, and reaches a point in the third quadrant. Then it goes up and to the right through the point (negative 1, 0) and the positive y axis, and reaches a point in the first quadrant. Then it goes down and to the left and ends at the starting point.

FIGURE 11.2.11 Solution curves in Example 3

Classifying Critical Points

FIGURE 11.2.12 conveniently summarizes the results of this section. The general geometric nature of the solutions can be determined by computing the trace and determinant of A. In practice, graphs of the solutions are most easily obtained not by constructing explicit eigenvalue–eigenvector solutions but rather by generating the solutions numerically using a numerical solver and a method such as the Runge–Kutta method for first-order systems (Section 6.4).

A parabola is graphed on a tau delta coordinate plane. The curve is labeled tau^2 = 4 delta. The area above the parabola is shaded and the region is labeled tau^2 minus 4 delta < 0. Portions of the curve are marked stable and other portions are marked unstable. There are other graphs: an unstable spiral that goes outward. A stable spiral that goes inward. A stable node and an unstable node with two curves and two lines. A sixth graph represents saddle with curves with and two lines.

FIGURE 11.2.12 Geometric summary of Cases I, II, and III

EXAMPLE 4 Classifying Critical Points

Classify the critical point (0, 0) of each of the following linear systems X′ = AX



for positive constants a, b, c, d, , and .


(a) For this matrix τ = –0.01, Δ = 2.3798, and so τ2 – 4Δ < 0. Using Figure 11.2.12, we see that (0, 0) is a stable spiral point.

(b) This matrix arises from the Lotka–Volterra competition model, which we will study in Section 11.4. Since τ = –(a + d) and all constants in the matrix are positive, τ < 0. The determinant may be written as Δ = ad (1 – bc). If bc > 1, then Δ < 0 and the critical point is a saddle point. If bc < 1, then Δ > 0 and the critical point is either a stable node, a degenerate stable node, or a stable spiral point. In all three of these cases limt→∞ X(t) = 0.

We can now give answers to each of the questions posed at the beginning of this section for the linear plane autonomous system

x′ = ax + by

y′ = cx + dy

with adbc ≠ 0. The answers are summarized in the theorem below.

THEOREM 11.2.1 Stability Criteria for Linear Systems

For a linear plane autonomous system X′ = AX with det A ≠ 0, let X = X(t) denote the solution that satisfies the initial condition X(0) = X0, where X00.

  1. limt→∞ X(t) = 0 if and only if the eigenvalues of A have negative real parts. This will occur when Δ > 0 and τ < 0.
  2. X(t) is periodic if and only if the eigenvalues of A are pure imaginary. This will occur when Δ > 0 and τ = 0.
  3. In all other cases, given any neighborhood of the origin, there is at least one X0 in the neighborhood for which X(t) becomes unbounded as t increases.


The terminology used to describe the types of critical points varies from text to text. The following table lists many of the alternative terms that you may encounter in your reading.

Term Alternative Terms
critical point equilibrium point, singular point, stationary point, rest point
spiral point focus, focal point, vortex point
stable node or spiral point attractor, sink
unstable node or spiral point repeller, source

11.2 Exercises Answers to selected odd-numbered problems begin on page ANS-30.

In Problems 1–8, the general solution of the linear system X= AX is given.

  1. In each case discuss the nature of the solution in a neighborhood of (0, 0).
  2. With the aid of a graphing utility plot the solution that satisfies X(0) = (1, 1).

In Problems 9–16, classify the critical point (0, 0) of the given linear system by computing the trace τ and determinant Δ and using Figure 11.2.12.

  1. x′ = –5x + 3y
    y′ = 2x + 7y
  2. x′ = –5x + 3y
    y′ = 2x – 7y
  3. x′ = –5x + 3y
    y′ = –2x + 5y
  4. x′ = –5x + 3y
    y′ = –7x + 4y
  5. x′ = – x + y
    y′ = –x y
  6. x′ = x + y
    y′ = –x + y
  7. x′ = 0.02x – 0.11y
    y′ = 0.10x – 0.05y
  8. x′ = 0.03x + 0.01y
    y′ = –0.01x + 0.05y
  9. Determine conditions on the real constant µ so that (0, 0) is a center for the linear system

    x′ = –µx + y

    y′ = –x + µy.

  10. Determine a condition on the real constant µ so that (0, 0) is a stable spiral point of the linear system
  11. Show that (0, 0) is always an unstable critical point of the linear system

    x′ = µx + y

    y′ = –x + y,

    where µ is a real constant and µ ≠ –1. When is (0, 0) an unstable saddle point? When is (0, 0) an unstable spiral point?

  12. Let X = X(t) be the response of the linear dynamical system

    x′ = αxβy

    y′ = βx + αy

    that satisfies the initial condition X(0) = X0. Determine conditions on the real constants α and β that will ensure limt→∞ X(t) = (0, 0). Can (0, 0) be a node or saddle point?

  13. Show that the nonhomogeneous linear system X′ = AX + F has a unique critical point X1 when Δ = det A ≠ 0. Conclude that if X = X(t) is a solution to the nonhomogeneous system, τ < 0 and Δ > 0, then limt→∞ X(t) = X1.
    [Hint: X(t) = Xc(t) + X1.]
  14. In Example 4(b) show that (0, 0) is a stable node when bc < 1.

In Problems 23–26, a nonhomogeneous linear system X= AX + F is given.

  1. In each case determine the unique critical point X1.
  2. Use a numerical solver to determine the nature of the critical point in part (a).
  3. Investigate the relationship between X1 and the critical point (0, 0) of the homogeneous linear system X= AX.
  1. x′ = 2x + 3y – 6
    y′ = –x – 2y + 5
  2. x′ = –5x + 9y + 13
    y′ = –x – 11y – 23
  3. x′ = 0.1x – 0.2y + 0.35
    y′ = 0.1x + 0.1y – 0.25
  4. x′ = 3x – 2y – 1
    y′ = 5x – 3y – 2


*In general, if A is an n × n matrix, the trace of A is the sum of the main diagonal entries.